Many of us grew up with Christmas traditions that included mom, dad, siblings, and even grandparents. Christmas morning should be an exciting event even for single parents. They shared some hacks to making holiday amid the pandemic more fun and less lonely even for single moms and dads.
Elf on the Shelf Tells Kids to Wrap Mom's Gift
A viral post on Facebook featured a single mom's genius hack for parents without a partner to still get to open gifts on Christmas morning, Daily Record reported.
The single mom shared how she wrote a message coming from the Elf on the Shelf. The message suggested the kids to wrap gifts for mom. With the message came some much-needed gifts for mom along with some wrapping paper. The kids are also instructed to hide the gifts from the parent till Christmas Day.
The idea was originally posted on the Facebook page Family Lockdown Tips and Ideas. It was a dad's idea to write in behalf of the Elf on the Shelf so single parents can unwrap gifts, too.
It was not long before the mom found the gifts, though. The kids hid the gifts under their beds. "I cannot wait to act surprised when I open them on Christmas morning," the mom revealed.
When Single Parents Go the Extra Mile
Parents on social media reacted to the post with positivity. One particular parent said she often wraps a present for herself and tell her kids it came from Santa. She also fills her Christmas stocking. "I do these so my daughter will not get sad because I did not get anything."
Speaking of Christmas stockings, a newly single mom revealed an emotional moment when she put up Christmas stockings. Her child noticed dad did not have his stocking up. She had to explain dad would not spend Christmas with them and her daughter picked up that she was sad about it.
Another single mom shared how she stepped in when her son's father neglected to wrap presents for him for Christmas. "Santa's Elves wrote to my son explaining Santa knew his dad would not be home for Christmas. So they were sending gifts early."
The Importance of Continuing Traditions
Even when the other parent is absent on Christmas Day, single parents believe children need the comfort of routine, a sense of hope especially amid the pandemic. A mom-of-one who recently went through divorce amid the pandemic shared how she plans to survive her first Christmas as a single parent.
Yahoo Sports reported how the single mom continued holiday traditions even though it is now just her and her daughter celebrating. She helps her daughter write a letter to Santa, and they mail it to the North Pole together. I still buy an Advent calendar and holiday PJ's for my daughter. "We bake holiday cookies and I am committed to doing the Elf on the Shelf," she revealed.
The newly single parent revealed emotional struggles even with Christmas decorating. "I nearly lost it when I could not put the Christmas tree base together," the mom revealed. But her daughter was there to help her out.
"On Christmas morning, my daughter and I will rush down to see what is under the stairs." It is vital more than ever to make children feel they still have a parent with them who loves them.
Do Something for Someone Else
The holidays are the best time for charity. Single parents reveal charity helps them feel better. Think: Cooking a meal for another single parent, checking if a neighbor needs groceries, sending a nostalgic dish for delivery to your own parent.
Now is the time to think of service to others in the community who are less fortunate than your family. Make cards for the local troops, send some desserts for the women's shelter-small acts of kindness that get your mind off being lonely while teaching your children to be compassionate.