Chelsea Clinton Says Mask Wearing Teaches Children about Kindness

Parent Herald - Mask Wearing in Children Promotes Kindness
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Some people still refuse to wear masks in public. They have their own reasons and arguments. But, once a person becomes infected, they may unwittingly pass the virus on to someone else. Adults, and especially children, can be asymptomatic (silent carriers) of the virus.

Asymptomatic people appear healthy and show little to no symptoms. But without any mask to filter particulates from coughing, sneezing, talking, and breathing, those particulates can be passed on to a stranger or loved one.

Chelsea Clinton Encourages Mask Wearing

The way former first daughter Chelsea Clinton encouraged her children to wear face masks is by explaining its true purpose. Chelsea and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, sit down with their children to explain COVID-19 safety protocols. The parents explain to their children that by following such guidelines, they are being considerate and kind of the welfare of others.

We do not know if we are silent carriers of the virus. Wearing a mask shows that we are mindful of others. We show kindness by caring about the health of others while looking after our own.

Keep in mind, the consequences of not wearing a mask is not only for one person to bear. Mask wearing and social distancing have been proven as effective ways for infection control. By not following these guidelines, we risk affecting the health of many people.

Clinton says she explains to her children why they have birthdays, graduations, and other occasions over Zoom since the pandemic. She teaches her children that they can support loved ones and each other while keeping a safe distance to prevent spreading the virus.

ALSO READ: One-Third of COVID-19 Positive Kids Asymptomatic, Vaccine Much Needed

Chelsea Clinton Partners with Lady Gaga Born This Way Foundation

The mom-of-three partnered with the Born This Way Foundation, Lady Gaga's endeavor that seeks to support young people and empower them to create a world that is kinder and braver.

As a global health advocate, Clinton says it is important to remain optimistic amid trying times. She also stresses the importance of being a good role model as a parent. She recently had an online conversation with the foundation to talk about ways families can make the most of the pandemic lockdown as a teaching moment. She especially wants to focus on teaching children kindness.

Teaching Mask Wearing as Kindness Made Her Kids More Kind

Clinton revealed that her children had been extra kind since their teaching moments during the pandemic lockdown. She shared how her older children, Charlotte, 6, and Aidan, 4, had become more kind with their baby brother Jasper, 1.

"They bond and support one other," Clinton said, "saying please, thank you, including their 1-year-old brother in their play, caring about how the other feels-it is wonderful." The proud mom also shared how her older kids helped teach her toddler how to walk, hold a spoon, and say his first words, Parents reported.

ALSO READ: Pediatric Advice for Parents: Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Teaching Kids to Wear Masks Correctly

Face masks are useless if it is not worn properly. If one's nose or mouth is exposed, they are still at risk of spreading infection or getting infected. So, it is vital to teaching kids the right way to wear a mask and model that behavior.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases specialist at Duke Health, Ibukun Akinboyo, MD revealed that when parents teach their children in a way appropriate to their age, they are likely to wear a mask in public, Duke Health revealed. Most of all, children should be taught that wearing a mask is equivalent to showing kindness and caring for others.

Consistency is also important in mask wearing. That one time we forget to wear or bring a mask could put us and others at risk. Further, children should be taught physical distancing and frequent hand washing.

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