Whether it is your first child or your fifth, the excitement and happiness are always the same. If you have a baby on board and need to tell your loved ones about it, then you need some cute and classy ways to break the big news.
We have compiled some unique ideas to help you reveal your little secret in the most memorable way possible!
Burst a Balloon
The oldest idea in the book, making it all the more classic! You can try out new ways, such as putting multiple balloons in one giant balloon, and ask your partner or a loved one to burst them one by one with little notes inside that would fall out to confirm the baby announcement!
Customized Cards
You can never go wrong with cards that you create yourself. Baby boy and baby girl announcements are always close to the parents. So what better way to celebrate the special moment than to create one more thing together! Make a customised card with your partner and all the little details you would like to add, to make it seem more hearty. You can then send the cards to your loved ones, if they are away, or place it on the dinner table beside them when they come for the big reveal.
Funny T-Shirts
Humorously celebrating happy moments makes everything just perfect. You can get jokes written on your shirt, wear an oversized sweater over it, and then reveal it once your friends are over. If you have the budget and want to share your happiness with others, you can also gift these shirts to your friends and family.
The First Picture
Share the sonogram with your family. You could either post a picture of yourself with it or send it to your loved ones. Seeing your child in the sonogram is as exciting for everyone else as it is for you. This idea is super cute, for sure.
Baby shoes
Place some baby shoes around the house to leave a little hint that something is up. Let your family guess what you are up to. The curiosity with the cuteness would create just the right amount of anticipation. See if they can imagine, and then let them know to see how they react.
Fortune cookie
No matter who you are revealing to a fortune cookie is one sweet idea. It can always leave the reader astonished. Fortune cookies are always unexpected, and your loved one or partner would indeed be left surprised.
Pregnancy cravings
Pregnancy cravings are real! Give your family a hint with your very odd pregnancy craving. Let them take the lead to guess if your desires are indeed because of pregnancy and see how they react to that.
We hope you enjoyed these Congratulations for your little bundle of joy that's on its way. Hope you have a healthy and happy one.