Due to the coronavirus pandemic, parents of college students are worried about how their children can be infected with COVID-19.
That is despite parents making sure had they had a "COVID-19 Safety talk" before they set foot on their respective campuses.
Parents' concerns
A mom from Texas named Lourdes Pelaez-Kingery shared in an interview with MSN that she got worried when her daughter told her that she had to move out of her dorm. The reason why she did this was because her dorm mates threw a party with 14 unmasked friends who showed up.
Pelaez-Kingery said, "She told me she had moved off-campus to family friends of ours and then begged me to let her come home."
The university where Pelaez-Kingery's daughter is going already had 51 cases of COVID-19 positive individuals. This number comprises students and employees as of September 26.
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Mary Dell Harrington shared that what makes her more worried are the other college kids, "Some kids are rolling the dice more than others, and parents are doing their best to monitor their kids long distance."
The heightened concern
Recently, a 19-year-old college student died due to complications brought by the coronavirus. The student, Chad Dorril, was studying at the Appalachian State University in northern California.
Dorril lived off-campus and attended his classes online.
Because of this, parents are more alarmed. Especially since college kids are not in control of their roommates.
That is probably the reason why college campuses in the United States are considered as coronavirus hotspots.
The COVID-19 safety talk
Parents all over the country are worried for their children. Because of this, they needed to have some COVID-19 safety talk with their children before they left.
This talk covered not only wearing masks or washing hands. Parents also reiterated to their kids that they needed to practice social distancing.
Another reminder of parents during the COVID-19 safety talk is to always be prepared, in case they will be sent to quarantine. Parents suggested that their children should have a go-bag packed with their daily essentials and important belongings.
Talking about the money
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the cost of sending kids to college is heightened. Because of this, some parents are hoping that this will also lead their college kids to be aware of how they should not be reckless.
According to MSN News, an average of $41,426 in the cost of private institutions nowadays.
Harrington added, "Many parents are coming right out and saying 'I'm not paying for you to go to college and be reckless and cause our family this expense."
Staying connected
One of the ways that parents do to ensure that their kids who are now college students are safe os to stay connected with them. Some parents keep tabs by sending text messages to their children everyday.
One mom shared, "Instead of 'Goodbye, love you,' it's now 'Mask up.'"