Australian Mom Builds Her Dream Pantry Using Budget-Friendly Items

Australian Mom Builds Her Dream Pantry Using Budget-Friendly Items
Australian Mom Builds Her Dream Pantry Using Budget-Friendly Items Pexels

An Australian mom builds her dream pantry using budget-friendly items. She used affordable labels and containers to re-arrange everything in her dream pantry.

The mom, Kerry, built a walk-in pantry for her family. She did all these after her home renovation was finished.

Sharing about the dream pantry

In a post in a Facebook group called Mums Who Organise, Kerry shared how she dreamed of this pantry for more than two years now. She captioned the photos of her pantry, "It turned out exactly how I envisioned it two and a half years ago." She even jokingly added, ", all I'm waiting on is the butler to appear."

To put her dream pantry into reality, the Australian mom made sure she only used budget-friendly items. Even if Kerry had to do this, the results of what she did do not give such hints.

The dream pantry

The kitchen of the Australian mom was 3.2 meters long and 2.4 meters wide.

To be able to put together her dream pantry, Kerry bought containers from several stores. Some of these stores included Kmart, Big Q, IKEA, Cheap as Chips, and Woolworths.

All of these containers, according to the Australian mom, are budget-friendly.

The dream pantry was separated by shelves, which are arranged according to categories.

Some of the categories are:

  • pasta
  • oils and vinegar
  • spreads
  • breakfast
  • bread
  • snacks
  • cereal
  • vegetables and fruits
  • chips
  • spices

She also said, "The cabinets are from IKEA, the countertops are from Bunnings Warehouse, and the floor is from Solomon's Flooring Trendtime Six."

Aside from the divisions through the shelves, the Australian mom built her dream pantry with a sink and a few spaces for kitchen appliances.

Personalizing the dream pantry

Not only did the mom build her dream pantry, but she also made sure everything is personalized. She did this by labeling the containers using a Silhouette Cameo label maker.

These labels are not only placed on the containers; even the drawers and cabinets had personalized labels.

Aside from the time-consuming labels, Kerry also made sure she could keep track of the date the items in her pantry are supposed to be consumed. She said, "The used by date is written on the bottom of the container in a liquid chalk pen that doesn't wipe off unless it gets wet."

Netizens' reactions

According to an article by the Daily Mail, the images which were posted by Kerry on the Facebook group already had thousands of likes.

It received praises and admiration from other moms and netizens.

One netizen said, "You've done an amazing job!"

However, the item that got most of the netizens' attention is the cereal dispenser that goes next to a toaster. These dispensers cost only 29 dollars.

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