Children's Growth: Is it Possible to Predict Adult Height?

Children's Growth: Is it Possible to Predict Adult Height?
Children's Growth: Is it Possible to Predict Adult Height?

Wondering whether your child is going to be small, average, or tall? Perhaps you are under the age of 18 and wondering if there is a way of knowing what height you will be when you're grown up. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing exactly what height you will be when you are an adult, however, there are a few methods that can give you a good indication of what your height will be when you're fully grown.

Unfortunately, there are no magic beans that you can feed to your child to help them grow a few inches, however, there are a few things that can help them get that little bit of an extra boost in the height department.

Being too short or being too tall can be tough on any person, especially children. Even as adults, it is not uncommon to taunt another adult about their height. If you are someone who is suffering from bullying, whether it is in school or in the workplace, make sure to speak to someone who can help.

Methods used to Predict a Child's Height

Here are three methods that are often used to help predict a child's height:

  1. Height Calculator: This height comparison tool is a great way of predicting a child's height when they reach adulthood. You must input the child's age, gender, and current height into the fields provided on the site. This calculator, unlike others, does not require the child's weight nor the height of the child's parents. You can change the result from feet to inches, or meters to centimeters.

  2. Genetic Potential Height Predictor: This way of predicting a child's height in the future is based on the child's genetic potential. Unlike the height calculator, you will require information on the child's parents to help you determine a result. You'll need both the genetic mother's and the genetic father's height. Then you need to average both heights together. You must then add 2 ½ inches to the average of both parents if you are trying to predict the height of their son, and subtract 2 ½ inches to the average of both parents if you're attempting to predict the future height of their daughter. Experts believe this is the most accurate method when trying to predict a child's height. This has a 68% chance of being within only 2 inches of the correct height. The method has a 95% chance of being within four inches of the correct height.

  3. Follow the Curve Method: This is another simple method that can be used to predict the height of a minor. It uses the same standard growth charts that you may have seen a pediatrician using to help them monitor children's development. The initial step is to measure the child's current height. You then have to plot your recordings on the growth curve. The third step is to follow along on their growth curve to help you determine the result when the child reaches adulthood.

It is very unlikely that these methods will give you a 100% accurate result, however it could give you a good idea of what to expect.

What Nutrients can I give my child to help them Grow?

Not many children like being small. Short children are often bullied and called names. Bullying can have long term effects on a child. Most parents feel it is out of their control, and if they interfere things could get worse. Many assume that it's not like the child is overweight and you can put them on a diet, or if the child is too skinny they can join a gym to help them gain muscle. However, there are lots of nutrients parents can give to their children to help them reach their full height potential.

  • A diet that consists of rich protein can help. Lots of different protein foods will prove beneficial. Nuts, eggs, turkey, etc. are all great sources of protein. Don't fry these foods as you will lose lots of their nutrients.

  • Carbohydrates: Children require increased calories in their diet to help them grow. Healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains are perfect to help your child. Stay away from carbohydrates that have lots of sugar, as this can lead to obesity.

  • Vitamins: Every vitamin is vital for your child. However, vitamins D and vitamin B-complex are highly recommended by experts to help boost your child's growth.

  • Minerals: Minerals are also essential to help your child grow. Minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium can be found in meat and other dairy products.

Including these in your child's balanced healthy diet will help them grow and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Without having a balanced healthy diet the likelihood of your child's growth being stunted is increased. If your child is refusing to eat protein, perhaps speaking with a professional might help, as there are protein shakes designed specifically for children that include all the nutrients required to help them grow.

What are the Best Foods to Help my Child Grow?

Some children can be picky eaters so we have created a list that might help you find something on it that your kids will enjoy.

  1. Eggs: Cheap and easy to cook and packed with nutrients that will help your child. Eggs are high in protein and have most of the essential amino acids. Other nutrients in eggs are omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus, and selenium.

  2. Whole Milk: Many parents remember those adverts from the 1980s and 1990's with the song ''Them Bones Need Calcium'' which was targeted at parents and children to encourage kids to drink milk. If you drink milk you would grow, was the message from the advertisers. Milk also has protein, Vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. If possible, try and stay away from milk that contains added flavors like chocolate as they often contain lots of sugar.

  3. Legumes: Low in fat and rich in protein. They are also high in calcium and fiber which is great to help your child grow. If your child doesn't like to eat them whole, most parents put them into their dinner or their packed lunch for school.

  4. Nuts and Seeds: More and more parents and children nowadays are vegetarian or vegan. Others just want to cut down on the number of animal products they consume, so eating nuts and seeds is a fantastic solution to help your children get the fiber and protein they need.

  5. Mineral-Rich Fruit: Oranges, kiwis, and pineapples are just some of the fruits that contain calcium and other minerals that help your child's bones grow.

If your child declines to maintain a healthy diet and you are concerned about their growth, make sure you speak to a trained professional for advice. Predictive methods and calculations can give you a good idea of the child's height in the future, but if they don't have a healthy diet there is a high chance they won't hit their potential height.

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