Florida Mom Who Works in the Navy Surprises Kindergarten Daughter in Her School

A Florida mom who works in the Navy surprises her kindergarten daughter in school. After being deployed for almost a year, U.S. Navy Chief Yeoman Diana Martin surprised her kindergarten daughter in front of her class.

The reunion of the mother and daughter was very emotional. The little girl was in tears while hugging her mom.

The Florida mom's deployment

Martin works in the U.S. Navy and has been deployed on the USS Ralph Johnson. She has not seen her daughter since being deployed for almost a year.

While she was at deployment, she stays in touch with her daughter through video chatting. However, she could only do so when there were available Internet services overseas.

Navy Chief Martin is expected to stay at home for six months before she gets deployed again.

The emotional reunion

When the Navy mom came home, her first order of business was to see her kindergarten daughter. Her little girl was studying at the Louise R. Johnson K-8 School of International Studies in Bradenton.

What she did was hide in one of the offices in her daughter's preschool.

After some time hiding, Martin's kindergarten daughter's class passed by the area after having Physical Education classes, so she surprised her with a hug. At first, the little girl was staring at the woman in uniform, but when she realized it was her mom, she gave her a tight hug and started crying.

According to a report from News Channel 8, Martin is thankful that she could visit her family despite the travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The reunion caught on video.

To share the mother and daughter's emotional reunion, the Twitter account of Manatee Schools posted the video of the reunion.

The tweet's caption said, "Chief Yeoman (Diana) Martin hasn't seen her daughter in more than a year... UNTIL TODAY."

The video, which the Matee Schools Television filmed already has more than 800 views.

Some netizens shared how adorable they think the reunion was. One netizen said, "That's the happiest thing I'll see all day. #JOY"

Another netizen said, "Such a beautiful moment."

Some Twitter users reposted the video. One netizen said, "What an incredible moment! Thank you for your service."

The official Facebook account of the School District of Manatee County also shared the video. It has more than 15,000 views. Netizens are also expressing their thanks to Martin for her service and sacrifice. One netizen said, "Thank you for your service is not enough to say, but I'm speechless! Sacrifice only a hero can understand. I appreciate you, HERO MOM."

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