Your kids may be establishing their food taste, which is a tricky process. This process may often lead your kid to become a picky eater. Your kid's favorite lunch one day could end up on the floor the next, or a snubbed prepared lunch could become the one he or she craves. Your kids only eat 1 or 2 favorites for weeks at a time. That's how much of a picky eater your child can become.
All parents can accept that supplying their kids with lunches will keep them energized and fueled for the rest of the day, and that is your top priority as parents.
We also know it's not always easy, the fact that we have to contend with picky eaters while still keeping an eye on our food expenses, budget and all while managing our duties as a mom every day.
As they become more picky eaters, try not to get annoyed with your kid's behavior. Simply have nutritious food options packed on their lunch, and trust that your kid's appetite and eating habits will change over time. Meanwhile, here are some hints to help you get through the picky eater stage.
Tips To Get Your Picky Eater Kids Enjoy and Finish Their Lunches
Try making their lunch a fun activity
The presence of colorful food can influence your kids. Representations of beautiful shapes and bright food colors could catch their eye and entice them to take a bite on their lunch. You don't have to cut cartoon characters anymore to decorate their lunch boxes.
You will only need to take a few minutes to arrange their lunch neatly. You can also add a personal note or shape a sandwich, slices of cheese, or colorful veggies with a cookie cutter to add visual appeal to their meal.
Don't forget to keep the style of the family
As much as possible, it is best to share a meal as a family. Use this time to set a clear example for healthy eating: no phones, no TV, and other activities that might take their attention away from the meal. Serve one meal to the whole family and avoid the temptation to cook a second meal if your kids reject the first.
Picky eating will increase if you keep giving them fresh food if they don't want what they deserve. If your kids eat it or not, make it possible to provide at least one food your kids love with each meal and continue to include a nutritious meal.
Get your kids involved in choosing their meals
Allow your kids to accompany you to the grocery store so that they can choose their favorite snacks and foods. And when you're out shopping, teach your kids about nutrition so they can begin to see the advantages of eating those foods. Also, let them get messy in the kitchen with you as well. When your kids make their own lunch, they are more likely to finish it because they prepared it themselves.
Parents have plenty of time to bring these ideas into effect. Do you know what is most important as parents? That is supplying your kids with a balanced lunch that they will enjoy and will keep them fueled with nutrients to keep them performing the rest of the day.