What Makes A Great DIY Gift Basket For A New Mom?

What Makes A Great DIY Gift Basket For A New Mom?
What Makes A Great DIY Gift Basket For A New Mom?

This is a challenging moment for new moms because they do not have access to the support networks made up of family and friends they typically would have. Many people have not seen family or friends in person for over a year at this point. Being a new mom is always hard, no matter if it is someone's first child or fourth child, but the times we are living in makes it that much harder all around. So what can we do if we know someone who is going to be a new mom if we are not going to be able to see them in person? One way we can show our support is to create a handmade gift basket that we can drop off or have mailed that will help mom and baby get off to a good start.

Products for keeping babies clean:

If you are creating a gift basket for a new mom one of the first categories to consider is products for the baby. This might look like diapers and baby wipes. This might look like including a baby shampoo or baby body wash which is formulated to be gentle on the baby's skin. This might look like adding formula or a burping cloth. While babies are bundles of joy they also need a lot of stuff. When you provide a new mom what she needs for the first few weeks with her baby she will be able to relax and focus on her baby and not what products she needs to buy from the store. This will decrease her stress levels and allow her to be the best mom she can be.

Products to help a new mom relax:

In addition to traditional baby products like diapers new moms also love items that will help themselves relax. For example you might add a stuffed animal or sound soother so that the new mom will be able to get their baby to sleep. You might also add products to your basket that are just for mom such as candles, nice lotion, or nice tea which will allow the new mom to find ways to take moments for herself even as she is busy with the baby. While the new baby is clearly the star of the show it is important to remember to pamper mom too.

Products for around the house:

Many new mom's find that being a new mom takes up all of their energy and time. Depending on your budget you and your friends might consider chipping in and buying a new mom a rumba to help clean or a crock pot so they don't have to worry about cooking. Anything that will make daily chores easier will be appreciated by a new mom.


Most new moms are really busy being moms so can struggle to do errands. In your gift basket you might consider adding a gift certificate to a restaurant that delivers or a few months of a meal plan that comes in the mail. You might consider adding a gift certificate to a maid service who can come in and help straighten things up a bit. You also might consider offering to go grocery shopping or run other errands yourself.

Something to make the basket sparkle:

Once you have collected all the items you plan to add to your basket or box it is now time to make it all pretty. This might include adding a small plant or something you made by hand. This might look like filling the basket with fancy tissue paper. This might look like finding fun filler such as candy or a scone mix in order to take the basket to the next level.

Being a new mom will always be challenging but even if we can't see a new mom in person we can still show our support. Providing a new mom a handmade gift basket means she will have the baby items she needs and will have something that reminds her that she is surrounded by those who love and care about her and want the best for her. A tangible gift such as a gift basket can help a new mom know that she is not going through this experience alone.

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