Creative Ways To Get the Kids On Board With Healthy Eating

Creative Ways To Get the Kids On Board With Healthy Eating
Creative Ways To Get the Kids On Board With Healthy Eating

Before the pandemic, junk food, frozen dinners, quick meals, and takeouts were the fastest solutions to get your kids fed after a long day. Though not ideal for nutritional value, it seemed like the only way to prepare meals in a short timeframe. However, being home more often has caused you to notice just how unhealthy (and expensive) it is for your family. So, you've decided to switch things up and introduce better eating habits to your kids. The only problem is, getting them to give up sweet, salty, and fatty foods for nutritional options is easier said than done.

There's no denying that kids can be picky eaters. Be that as it may, the only way to ensure they live long, happy, and healthy lives is to feed them properly. If getting the kids on board is challenging, there are some creative ways to turn things around. Continue reading for tips.

Start Small

You can't expect your kids to give up all their favorite foods at once. It's going to take some time. So, do yourself and everyone else a favor and start small. If they're going to have pizza, for instance, ensure that they have a salad or add fruits and veggies as toppings. Can't pry them away from those sugary breakfast cereals? Start by switching to almond milk or allowing them to use natural sweeteners like fruit or stevia. Changing a few things at a time will enable them to get accustomed to eating healthier without making them feel deprived.

Swap Out Ingredients

Another creative way to get the kids on board with healthy eating is to swap out ingredients. There are plenty of healthy recipes for popular dishes and snacks you can use. For example, if your kids love french fries, try swapping out white potatoes for sweet potatoes or zucchini. If your children have a sweet tooth, look for peanut butter granola cups instead. These recipes allow your kids to have some of their favorite foods without unhealthy ingredients like sugar, salt, and fat.

Give Them Points

Some of the most popular diet and nutrition programs are successful because they allow participants to make choices. Food, beverages, and snacks are put into categories and ranked on a point system. In order to reach weight loss goals, participants must stay within their allotted points for the day. Why not do the same for your kids? It gives them more control over what they eat and turns healthy habits into a game. While you don't have to use a point system, you can come up with something very similar. For instance, you can allow the kids to have two sweet items each day. Allow them to decide when they'd like to indulge in these treats.

Let Them Cook

A family that cooks together stays together. If you really want to get the kids excited about eating healthy, let them prepare meals with you. They'll be so anxious to try the dishes they prepared; they won't be focused on the healthy ingredients. There are plenty of healthy yet simple recipes you guys can try together.

Mix Things Up

Your children are less inclined to eat healthy if they have to eat the same thing every other day. The best way to resolve this problem is to mix things up. You can get inspiration from your favorite restaurants, cooking shows, or recipes. If you're short on time, there's also the option to invest in meal delivery kits. It would eliminate the need to go shopping while also providing you with hundreds of meal ideas your family will love.

Over the years, your kids likely got used to consuming whatever their hearts desired. While there's nothing wrong with the occasional junk food, takeout, or quick fixes, consuming these types of foods regularly can have adverse consequences. As such, parents are encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits at home. The above suggestions will assist you in making the transition easier for your kids.

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