Talking To Your Kids About Gun Violence

Talking to Kids About Gun Violence
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

When shooting tragedies occur and flood in every headline, parents feel obliged to explain and discuss gun violence to their kids.

But, addressing tragedies, especially gun violence, is a tough job for parents. Every approach in dealing with this subject to your kids is different based on their age. You may find yourself struggling with the words you will use in explaining it to your kids.

The reasonable age for kids to accept this topic is eight years old, but now, since more kids are becoming more curious, gun violence would be better if discussed earlier. Though younger kids may also find it hard to process such a lesson, it all depends on your kids, especially if they ask about it.

To keep your kids from falling into the tendency of hearing such news to other people, talk to them about gun violence first. A mass shooting happens anywhere and may happen anytime, and your kids must learn what this crime can do.

Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Gun Violence

Keep your story short and simple

It is best recommended for parents that they must keep it short and simple when talking about gun violence to their kids. If your story is brief and concise, your kids will understand the issue quickly. After telling them a story, relate or reinforce your beliefs. Simultaneously, considering that you are talking to your kids, use a more positive story when teaching them. Superheroes can be the best in your story.

Be honest in answering their questions

After mass shooting incidents, people gather along the area to pay homage to the departed. People offer silence and candles; this sample scenario will put the question to your kid's mind. If that happens, answer your kids' questions with all honesty.

But remember, when giving your answers, keep in mind to use only appropriate words for your kids depending on their age. You can always share your feelings and emotions with your kids at that moment and explain to them why you feel that way. As much as possible, do not ever avoid their questions or answer them about things you do not know about.

Give your kids assurance and comfort

As parents, you must constantly remind your kids that you're always there for them. Keeping your kids safe is a crucial job for every parent and making them feel that they are is another thing. Your kids need to feel assured that they are safe.

Parents can keep their comfort to their parents by telling them that they will not let their kids get hurt. Parents will always be there to protect their kids whatever may happen. Those words will assure your kids that they are always safe.

Understanding gun safety is essential for children

Parents must keep their guns if they have inside their home in safety mode. And please discuss gun safety with your kids too. Read our guidelines below;

  • No holding, touching, and playing with guns when they are alone at home.
  • Remind them always that only adults can use guns.
  • Don't open your kids' curiosity.
  • Explain the difference and importance of a real gun from a toy gun thoroughly.

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