Why Gardening Is Good for Your Children

Why Gardening Is Good for Your Kids
Photo by Maggie My Photo Album from Pexels

Everyone young and old can do gardening, but kids will enjoy doing it a lot more than anybody can. Aside from fun, your kids will develop skills too.

Apart from your kids planting their favorite plants, gardening will also help boost your kid's eating habits, and you are helping decrease the chances of your kids getting into obesity.

Most kids will also enjoy digging in the soil, playing with plants, and having fun growing their own food. Gardening is good for your kids as it helps them develop self-confidence, creating things, and allowing them to reap what they sow.

Why Gardening Is Good


If your kids are pretty picky eaters. Have them grow the plant they like to eat in his backyard. Children who participate in growing their own vegetables are more likely to eat them, according to research. They tend to have more bites than the food they don't see growing in their backyard.


Aside from the fact that your kids will grow healthier by eating their own food. Gardening is also very educational for your kids. It helps them develop and learn the following;

  • Develops responsibility in growing their plants.
  • Develops understanding as to why they need to water the plants and what will happen if they don't take good care of them.
  • Develops self-confidence in growing the plants they like.
  • Develops their love for nature including their love for discoveries especially in the environment like plants and animals.
  • Gains nutrition from physical activity
  • Cooperation and creativity in planting new kinds of foods.


Parents must also see that when your kids get dirty under their nails because of digging the soil to plant, it makes their kids very happy. In fact, there is good bacteria in the solid that can increase the level of serotonin and can help decrease the level of anxieties in your body.


Horticultural Therapy is a kind of mental therapy that uses gardening as their exercises. It implies that gardening is really good for someone's well-being. Gardening is also used in some hospitals and clinics as their psychological therapy for patients.


Upon learning its benefits you may need some ideas to get your kids interested in gardening. Check our suggestions below in getting your kids into gardening;

  • Keep your gardening style simple and easy to do.
  • Give your kids their own space in gardening, like pots or even small areas just for them in your backyard.
  • Involve your kids in planning where and how you will put up their garden.
  • Use easy and handy tools for your kids.
  • Encourage your kids in getting dirty, dig with them first and show them that it's okay.
  • Plant flowers that are attractive to butterflies and other animals that your kids will enjoy watching.
  • Try putting a scarecrow and worm farm alongside your garden.
  • Grow interesting plants in the garden, such as sunflowers, pumpkins, and or strawberries. Use plants that your kids will most likely love to eat at your table.

While getting your kids into gardening, please also check the safety of your kids while planting. It is important that you check on them often while doing these things.

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