Some of us are trying our best to prepare for future pregnancy despite the pandemic situation looming worldwide.
Pandemic brought fear to us in getting ill or our loved ones. But for those who have infertility, the pandemic has prolonged their dreams of achieving a baby. At the early time of the pandemic, clinics, including fertility treatment, were all halted to prevent the spread of the virus.
For patients who have been wanting to conceive are in the midst of balancing the things they need to do in order to prepare themselves for future pregnancy. Pandemic brought us a lot of uncertainties, and that includes future pregnancy.
But many clinics are now starting to operate and are offering telehealth assistance to couples who are having a hard time conceiving a baby amidst pandemics. Telehealth is a virtual consultation and appointment with the specialist wherein patients are allowed to continue their treatment.
We have listed down the things you can do and prepare for your future pregnancy. You can start investing now in your dreams despite the pandemic.
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Preparation for Future Pregnancy Amidst Pandemic
Start with telehealth consultation
Many clinics now are offering virtual consultations. While inside the consultation, you will be asked about your family history and background. Then your virtual specialist will provide you with an outline plan on what you should do and prepare for your body to be ready.
As a patient, you can also ask for the best specialist to handle your case. You can also verify if the clinic offers specific support for your needs. On the other hand, you can throw them questions to see if they can really provide you the answers you need.
Boost your fertility
- Start taking vitamins- while amid pandemics, it can be best to start taking your prenatal vitamins.
- Exercise - exercising can lower your stress level, and that will help improve your body's health. Preparing you for future pregnancy.
- Folic acid - Folic Acid is essential for you to take while you are still in the first12 weeks of your pregnancy.
- Maintaining weight - maintain your healthy weight as possible as you can. Sometimes when a person is overweight, it may trigger struggles in your body, giving you a hard time conceiving.
Take care of yourself
Fatigue causes your body to decrease your health level. In order for you to maintain a healthy body that is necessary for your future pregnancy, you must take good care of your body. You can check our tips below;
- Give yourself time to do something that nurtures your body, such as going outside, spending time at the park, walking with your pets, listening to music, or going to museums, gardening, and dancing.
- Move your body and take it outside to breathe fresh air every day.
- Soak yourself into positive things that will offer you a positive spirit. A positive body and mind bring up a healthy spirit.
- Avoid putting yourself pressure to conceive or from anything you can't achieve yet for the moment. Take time to complete and prepare your body for future errands.
Pandemic is the best time to conduct your research for other tips you can use in preparing yourself for future pregnancy. We know that it may seem that the world is at a standstill in many aspects, but experts still believe that progress can still be made in the areas of fertility and family planning if taken with action and preparedness.