After soya milk, almond milk, and oat milk comes potato milk, a new dairy milk alternative that moms might love because it's said to be healthier and eco-friendlier.
The world's first potato milk that hit supermarket shelves in May comes from a Swedish manufacturer, Veg of Lund. Named Dug, the dairy milk alternative, was developed for the company by Professor Eva Tornberg, a food innovator from Lund University.
Aside from potato, Dug's ingredients include pea protein, chicory fiber, maltodextrin, rapeseed oil, and natural flavoring. Offered in three variants, namely Original, Barista, or Unsweetened, Dug is fortified with vitamin B12, vitamin D, and folic acid.
The product is lactose-free and soy-free, and it's great for people who are allergic to nuts or who react strongly to gluten. While it's recommended for drinking like regular milk, Dug may also be used for cooking, baking, or foaming for a delicious cup of cappucino.
Tornberg's Research on Potato Milk
In 2017, the food innovator developed a process to turn potato milk into a creamy blend with rapeseed oil. While Tornberg couldn't reveal the exact procedure, the scientists said that she wanted to give families a vegan-friendly option to get omega-3. Until this product, vegans mostly get omega-3 from fish and health supplements.
Potato's other health benefits as an antioxidant and a source of potassium, magnesium, fiber, and vitamin C are also kept intact in the milk alternative. It doesn't taste different than soya, almond, or oats, so it works as a suitable dairy milk alternative.
Better for the Environment
As a vegan product, Dug is already a hit with health buffs, but green proponents also say that this alternative is better for the earth than almond milk or the other alternatives. Growing potatoes makes use of less carbon dioxide and half the land that it takes farmers to grow oats.
Eco-lovers also say that potato farming does not contribute to illegal deforestation compared to soya farming. Making potato milk takes fewer gallons of water than almond milk (23 gallons) or cow's milk (30 gallons).
According to Dug's chief executive, Thomas Olander, potato milk is a "super-sustainable drink" and is currently available in Sweden, the U.K., and China. The company has plans to expand to other parts of Europe in the coming months.
Making Potato Milk at Home
After World War II, potatoes became a diet staple when meat, dairy, and sugar became scarce. Through the decades, the potato has remained affordable.
Moms who may have no means to buy Dug since it's only available in a handful of countries could create their own batches in the kitchen using white potato, water, some sliced or chopped almonds, and a sweetener (honey, molasses, or agave syrup). They will need to use a blender or pulse and then strain the milk with a cheesecloth. Naturally Savvy shares the procedure for making homemade potato milk.