Five siblings from Idaho, who are all under the age of 11 years old, are miraculously recovering from carbon monoxide poisoning after days of headaches, sickness and weakness as they were not aware of the gas leak inside their home.
Their mom, Ashlyn Hansen, could not be more grateful that all of her children survived, thanks to the help and quick thinking of her extended family. However, the mother also acknowledged that her children should have never been exposed to the deadly gas leak.
People reported that Hansen's kids -- Hadlee, 11, Gunner, 10, Gage, 7, Sawyer, 4, and Kade, 2, -- were under the care of her sister-in-law, Heather Hirschi, since she and her husband, Michael, were at the hospital for Crew, their two-week-old baby who had open-heart surgery. However, the mom was informed that Gage was experiencing a headache and stomach problems and had to skip school for the day.
Hansen thought that Gage might have caught any of the illnesses going around in school because a lot of his classmates had COVID, flu or colds. However, her sister-in-law also began to feel off and thought a drink of water and a healthy meal should help her feel better.
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Soon, Kade was also showing signs of weakness and then Gage vomited on the kitchen floor. Initially, Hansen, thought that her sister-in-law and her kids ate some bad food so she called up her mother-in-law, Lori, to check-up on them.
When her mother-in-law arrived, the first thing she noticed was the odd smell of gas in the house. Without hesitation, another relative hurled Hirschi and the five siblings to the car to bring them to the Madison Memorial Hospital, where they received oxygen and were observed for a few hours. Lori also called up the fire department to report the gas leak.
Madison Fire Department Capt. Sarah Orr said that the Hansen family's home measured 300 parts per million of carbon monoxide right by their front door. The rest of the three-storey house were at 600 parts per million on every level when the most ideal range is nothing else but zero. Orr's team found out that their gas line was leaking and needed to be fixed immediately, per the East Idaho News.
At the hospital, doctors informed the family that the children and their aunt will be fine but Kade had the most level of carbon monoxide poisoning. Had they stayed longer inside the house, the outcome would have been tragic.
This incident has taught Hansen the importance of home maintenance, especially with the gas pipes. She also highlighted that every home should have a carbon monoxide detector since this is a colorless and mostly odorless gas that can go undetected for days until it is too late.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Stats
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 400 individuals die from carbon monoxide poisoning every year while 20,000 end up in the emergency room for treatments. The most common symptoms include headache, nausea or vomiting, an upset stomach, weakness, and chest pains.
Some people pass out because they have inhaled too much carbon monoxide as in the case of the Pocatello family in Idaho who died from the poison in 2014. According to family members, the Parrish home did not have any detectors. The fire department warned that homes with plenty of gas appliances should have a carbon monoxide monitor installed at home, which should have a working battery, as this will matter to saving lives.
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