Any parent may have one fervent wish of strengthening family bonds for the New Year and one of the best ways to do this is to start some New Year's Eve family traditions together.
Here are some meaningful activities to establish with your loved ones to welcome 2022:
Share a Bowl of Black-Eyed Peas
For many African American families, a bowl of black-eyed peas to share during New Year's Eve symbolizes protection and prosperity. This has been a staple food for winter during the Civil War as it's also believed to bring good luck. It can't hurt to follow the same tradition even if your family is of a different culture or race.
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Black-eyed peas originated in West Africa but these legumes are easily found in the market. It's quite popular with people who enjoy a plant-based lifestyle because it's rich in proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, folate, iron, magnesium, zinc, and thiamine. Some recipes incorporate ham into a bowl of filling black-eyed peas. To cook this food, follow the recipe on Delish.
Hold a "Reflections Game"
An hour or so before New Year's Eve, invite the whole family to sit together and participate in the "reflections game." It's a basic question and answer exchange where everyone should say out loud what were their best memories for the year. Ask family members to write down one or two general questions to contribute to the Q & A.
It may include trivial questions like "what was the best TV show you've seen this year?" You'd be surprised at how much fun it is to reminisce and look back on what has happened this year and it could also help the family prepare for more exciting activities in 2022.
Create a Time Capsule
If you're the type of mom who likes to save everything then having a time capsule would be a good New Year's Eve tradition to start with the family. Include birthday cards, movie tickets, stubs from a show, a game, or a concert, or receipts from a special dinner, as well and other important stuff that you know will bring a smile to everyone's face when you open the capsule several years later. Perhaps ask the kids to write a letter to their future self or gratitude letters to their siblings.
This activity should help teach kids the importance of making memories. It will also impart to them that moments, not objects, are the greatest treasures to have in life. Agree to a specific time of when to open the time capsule, preferably when the children are much older. Keep it in a safe place in the house or bury it in the backyard with a signpost for the family to have something to look forward to as the opening date draws closer.
Plan a Service Project
There are many outreach activities that you can do as a family to teach the kids generosity and service to others, such as visiting a nursing home or an orphanage, volunteering at a local pet shelter, or collecting donated goods to give to the less fortunate. The kids might also be thrilled to take part in the bake sale to raise money for a cause they would like to sport.
The New Year's Eve should be Day One of the planning session but the service project could be done any time in the upcoming year. Talking about it earlier will give the children a goal and it's always nice to start the New Year on the right footing, with the right intentions.