Are you planning to get a new job in 2022? Such a big decision requires careful thought and proper planning, especially if you're a parent, but you're not alone.
According to Fast Company, 4.4 million people in the U.S. have decided to switch jobs in 2021 amid the pandemic fallout. Factors that affected their decisions included changes in their family situation, vaccine mandates, and realizing they have new priorities in life.
As the workplace has also shifted post-COVID, how can moms and dads stay ahead and compete with a million other job hunters?
Follow these tips below:
1. Go over your network and make an audit.
Studies have shown that 85 percent of job hunters find their next suitable career through their network. That's why it's vital to forge good professional relationships. Go over your network and take note of the people you've had genuine connections with while making an effort among those you feel you could draw more support or information.
Try to set a goal of reaching out to around three people a day in your network to increase your chances of finding the job you want. It will be harder to reach out to a hiring manager if you're fairly new to an industry since many companies don't advertise. However, someone in your network might be able to help you connect to key people who may bring the opportunities.
2. Update your resume.
According to Harvard Business Review, your resume should be like a story to the reader (recruiter). It should not just list all of your accomplishments but also include some context on how you achieved these milestones in your career.
The resume should provide prospective employers with a picture of what you can give them if they hire you. Be sure to tweak and customize your resume with the correct details based on the job and the company you're applying for.
3. Take up classes to fill the gaps.
There are several short online courses on LinkedIn, Udemy, and Coursera that may fill in the gaps of your jobhunting. You'll know what these gaps are if you look at the job ads from prospective employers.
Some of these classes can be completed in a week or for several weeks, but the point of learning new courses is to keep abreast of the changes in the workplace. These courses also provide reputable certificates that can push your chances of being hired.
4. Develop your interview and presentation skills.
Are you comfortable using Zoom or an online meeting platform with a camera? Prospective employers are using this technology more and more today since hiring can take place online. If you want to stand out from other jobhunters, it will help to prepare and practice as often as possible in front of a camera. You could even prepare a short presentation to highlight your skills.
Remember that interviews, even done online, are a two-way street. Making eye contact and carrying out conversations naturally is still important even if the meeting is not in-person, and you can learn this with consistent practice.