In January, the unexpected passing of TV dad Bob Saget shocked many fans, and his family has recently confirmed that his death was attributed to head trauma.
Saget hit his head but thought nothing of it when he went to sleep. Now, doctors are sounding off on what people should and should not do if they sustain a head injury.
According to WebMD, any damage or trauma to the scalp, skull, or brain is considered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Over 1.7 million Americans experience TBI every year.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Joshua Marcus said that some TBI cases might be fatal if the person's head is hit in the "wrong location," causing a tear or injury to the blood vessel. This tear or injury may lead to bleeding that can affect blood pressure and breathing.
What and What Not to Do If You Hit Your Head
Marcus said that if you hit your head, you need to watch out for symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting, or confusion. Some other indicators of risks include pupil enlargement, weakness in the limbs, and problems with speaking, which should be checked by a doctor immediately.
Dr. Leana Wen, the CNN Medical Analyst, also said that head trauma can cause bleeding "in many ways." The most common type of bleeding is a subdural hematoma or a blood build-up on the brain's surface. This pool of blood puts pressure on the brain that increases your risks.
Thus, Wen said it's very important to let someone know of your head injury, especially if you're on medications like antiplatelet drugs or blood thinners. You should not be alone after hitting your head because your status should be monitored, per People.
Dr. Joshua Stephany, the Chief Medical Examiner who conducted Saget's autopsy, said that the actor's injury likely happened from an "unwitnessed fall" where he hit the back of his head. The actor was by himself in his hotel room at The Ritz in Florida, where he was doing a show. His body was discovered in the morning.
All the doctors do not advise sleeping two or three hours after a head injury because these are fairly critical hours to monitor the symptoms. In many accidents in sports like football, the athletes are always told to keep themselves awake as a bad head trauma could easily progress into a dangerous situation.
Head Trauma with Loss of Consciousness
A head trauma that leads to a loss of consciousness may likely be a concussion and will also need to get checked by a doctor immediately. Some symptoms stemming from a concussion could last for weeks, such as vision problems and confusion, or lack of concentration.
Dr. Ben Hoffman, specializing in pediatric head injuries, said children are more resilient than adults. They can bounce back faster, including after a concussion. However, if the parents are worried that something might be up after a child hits his head, the doctor advised following the two to a three-hour window of monitoring and observation.
A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that kids could return to regular physical activity 72 hours after the concussion if they are okay. It is believed that this will lower their chances of slow or delayed full recovery.