More and more Ukrainians are fleeing their homeland to escape Russia's brutal military invasion. One of those people was Victoria, who made the harrowing journey across ice-capped fields in Ukraine alongside her child to escape the war zone and now seek refuge in the city of Miami in the United States.
Like other Ukrainian mothers trapped in the war-torn country, Victoria made the dangerous decision to leave Ukraine in order to keep her young child Anna safe. Her story is very similar to fellow Ukrainian civilians, who have been displaced because of the Russian onslaught.
Victoria told News Nation in an interview that it took them four days to reach Florida from Ukraine. According to Victoria, the most challenging part of the journey was walking 15 miles in freezing cold temperatures while carrying her 10-month-old daughter. Apart from her daughter, Victoria also brought along a suitcase that was filled with items she was able to quickly grab from her home.
Victoria leaves husband and stepsons behind
Victoria explained the thought process of someone who is trying to escape a war zone, saying "You think only to save your life and life for children. And you don't have time. You don't think about what you can, what you must do. Oh, I must take some passport, some money, and that's all."
Victoria and her daughter had to escape without her husband and stepsons, who decided to stay put in Ukraine as men of fighting age are barred from leaving the country. According to Victoria, her husband's main role now is to fight the Russians and protect their family from the continuous bombing and shelling that is destroying the communities around them.
Victoria and Anna may be safe now in South Florida but their hearts are aching for the people and things they left behind. Victoria explained her neighborhood is not the same anymore, saying "Houses in my street in Kyiv are destroyed. Like 20 meters of my house destroyed, nothing."
According to a report by the BBC, the Russians have been trying for weeks to occupy Kyiv but their efforts have been repeatedly thwarted by Ukrainian troops who still control the capital city.
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Victoria was emotional as she talked about her loved ones back home, saying "I cry, but I hope that I see my family very soon." She continuously prays for Ukraine and hopes that the Russians will be stopped so that she and her daughter can go back to their homeland.
Victoria and Anna are among the lucky ones to have reached safety in the United States. Most of the refugees displaced by the war in Ukraine are crossing to neighboring European countries, such as Moldova, Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia.
According to the United Nations, more than 3.5 million civilians have now fled Ukraine since the war started. As of March 21, UNHCR figures show Poland taking in 2,113,554 refugees, making it the most popular destination for Ukrainian refugees.
Romania came in second, taking in 543,308 refugees from Ukraine. The Republic of Moldova also has been a prime destination for Ukrainians, with 367,913 civilians seeking refuge there. Hungary and Slovakia have also welcomed a bunch of refugees from Ukraine. At least 317,863 Ukrainian refugees went to Hungary, while Slovakia took in 253,592 displaced people from Ukraine.
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