A Chinese woman completes a quadruplet birth after the first two babies were born a few days ago. The first baby was born on March 22 after 25 weeks and six days in the womb. The second baby was born four days after. On April 2, the mom successfully gave birth to two more babies. According to The South China Morning Post, the first two babies were initially kept in incubators, while the two premature babies were held in the womb as doctors feared they might have complications if born too soon.
Babies born too soon
The father, Mr. Chu, said that doctors initially told his 22-year-old wife that she carried triplets. It turned out that the fourth fetus was obscured during check-ups. The couple later found out that they were having quadruplets, and it was too late to reduce the number of fetuses. On March 22, their first baby was born at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University in Jinan, Shandong province, eastern China, at 25 weeks and six days. Four days later, the second son was born.
According to w.dzwww.com, in the early morning of April 2, the quadruplet mother successfully gave birth to two little boys. The four babies have already been reunited.
According to Ma Yuyan, a doctor from the hospital, they kept the two infants in incubators as doctors tried to postpone the delivery of the two babies as premature babies tend to have complications. She said that the first two babies had "extremely early births," and having four babies born too soon would have many difficulties, making it risky for all of them to survive, the doctor said.
The doctor said that the pregnant woman sought medical treatment for a cervical problem when she was 22-week pregnant. Eventually, the woman underwent an emergency procedure to reinforce her cervix. Her first son was born three weeks later, weighing 700 grams. An emergency procedure was done. The second boy was also born four days later, weighing 800 grams.
Preterm Labor and Risks of multiple births
The doctor said that they do not suggest women carrying so many fetuses as they are vulnerable to preterm labor and premature rupture of fetal membranes. Pregnant women carrying multiple pregnancies also have higher chances of gestational hypertension and diabetes.
According to Beaumont.org, more than 60 percent of twins are born prematurely. The higher the number of fetuses in pregnancy, the greater the risks for early births. Premature babies are often tiny, with low birth rates, and most would require help in breathing, eating, fighting infection, and staying warm. Babies born before 28 weeks are especially vulnerable as most of their organs are not yet ready for life outside the uterus.
Father appeals for help on medical bills
The father, Mr. Chu, is appealing for help to settle the hospital bills. The family is from the rural area of Jining in Shandong. The medical cost of 10,000 yuan (US$1,573) per baby per day in the incubator has placed a heavy financial burden on the family. Mr. Chu, who works for a logistics company, has a household income of 5,000 yuan (US$786) per month, and their savings are not enough to cover the cost. He said they borrowed the expenses of hospitalization from relatives and friends. Adding two more babies makes the price astronomical for the family. The father posted a call for help on the online platform, hoping to get more help to cover the hospital bills.
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