Polyamorous Family in Oregon Unsure Who Fathered Who

Polyamorous Family in Oregon Unsure Who Fathered Who
A polyamorous family in Oregon has grabbed the headlines following their revelation that the women in their unique relationship don't know who the father of their child is. RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

Couples Alysia and Tyler Rogers and Taya and Sean Hartless are not your typical family. They met online three years ago while looking to keep their respective love lives exciting. After a year of spicing things up, the two couples fell in love and decided to move in together in the state of Oregon.

The two couples decided to welcome two more children together as a polyamorous family. In an interview, Taya explained to South West News Service that since they moved in together, they co-parent all the children and that they are one big family unit.

She talked about how it started, with the couples meeting in person in June 2019 after having an instant spark and chatting online for several months. Taya said that from the first night they met, they all wanted to see more of each other, according to the New York Post.

The Hartless and Rogers moved to Oregon in 2020

Taya added that it was not easy as there were a lot of hesitations around having feelings. She said that her husband Sean was the first to point out that they couldn't deny this was happening. They all agreed to talk it out to see what the future would look like for the two couples.

Taya said that she was terrified to come out and admit her feelings for Tyler at first. Taya explained that she was scared to let someone else in, but eventually, they all admitted how they felt.

The foursome does not see people outside of their family, with the two couples currently having a "non-hierarchical" relationship. While the four of them try to have a quad date once a month, they also enjoy one-on-one dates. They make sure they all spend the holidays and big events together.

The setup in their Oregon home is unique, according to LadBible. The women each have their rooms in the house they moved in back in 2020. The men then rotate, sleeping in those rooms each night.

Who is the father? They don't know and don't want to know

They all decided to expand their family after discovering that all of them were excited about the idea. The quad agreed that the women would continue to sleep with both men, and they would not question who fathered which child.

Alysia, who works in economic development outside their Oregon home, happily discovered she was pregnant in August 2020, while stay-at-home mom Taya became pregnant in March 2021.

Taya said there was no regulation of who the father was, and they said they didn't care. They don't know, and they don't want to know, with the four of them saying they would all be parents to them.

According to Wales Online, Alysia gave birth to a healthy baby boy on April 3, 2021, while Taya gave birth to another son a few months later on August 11, 2021.

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