The parents of a 10-month-old baby injured in a house fire in Knoxville have made the heartbreaking decision to take their son, Grayson, off life support. Doctors said the baby is brain dead, but his parents know he will be an organ donor hero for other kids.
Grayson's dad, Matthew Stull, confirmed their decision to Wave 3 and stated that it would give him and his wife, Kaylynn, some form of peace knowing that there will be other babies who will live because of their son's donated organs. Despite their grief, Matthew said other parents wouldn't have to endure losing a child because Grayson's organs would save them.
The decision came as the Stulls were still grieving over Delilah, their 3-year-old daughter, who didn't make it out alive following the house fire. Matthew described his daughter as the "most precious soul" any parent could hope for. Their older daughter, Allison, was able to crawl out amid the thick smoke that engulfed their house.
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Images They Won't Be Able to Unsee
According to WVIT, firefighters believed the children were in the basement where the fire started at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, June 6. They were able to transport Grayson and Allison to the hospital but could not save Delilah anymore.
The baby injured in the house fire incurred severe damage to his lungs and brain due to smoke inhalation. The fate of Allison is still unclear.
Six people were in the house when the fire broke, and the adults were able to get out. The authorities confirmed that the house had working smoke alarms, but the fire and smoke were too much to bear for the children trapped inside. The family's four dogs also did not make it.
Firefighters had to push back when they tried to get inside the house during their first rescue attempt. At least two fire crews were needed to put the fire out two hours later.
Knoxville Fire Department Assistant Chief Mark Wilbanks said that his fire crew would have to undergo brief therapy to process what happened. He said that the firefighters would not be able to unsee the images of the children that were left helpless and frail in the aftermath.
The survivors were temporarily under the care of the American Red Cross. A GoFundMe has been established for the family to rebuild their lives.
House Fire Caused by Dog
In a separate incident, a family in Missouri released a surveillance video of the fire that destroyed their house on Friday, June 10, to raise the public's awareness. According to the Southern Platte Fire Protection District firefighters, the family dog started the fire when it accidentally touched and turned on the stovetop.
There was a greased pan left on the burner that ignited when the dog accidentally activated the stove-top's controls. Per FOX KTVU, no one was at home when the fire happened, and the two dogs were saved after neighbors saw the smoke coming out of the house.