A 16-year-old boy saved three girls and a police officer after the vehicle they were riding plunged into the river in the early morning of Sunday. The car carrying three teenage girls drove into the Pascagoula River in Moss Point, floated about 20 feet away from the shore then started sinking.
The driver said she was following her GPS and did not notice that she was going into the water.
Per Breit Bart, Corion Evans was at the right place at the right time and with the right skills. Mississippi residents know that bodies of water in the state have some grumpy inhabitants that do not take kindly to being disturbed, which means that when a person jumps in, they are probably taking a chance on bumping into anything from a jumping carp to an alligator. However, none of these stopped Evans from jumping to the rescue.
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Evans was passing by the river when he saw a car drive off the road into the river with three girls inside. Without hesitation, he immediately stripped down to his shorts and jumped in to save them.
Aside from the girls, Evans also rescued Moss Point Police Officer Gary Mercer, who was struggling while also attempting to save the girls.
According to Upworthy, Evans explained that he had been swimming since he was 3, and the incident tested his skills.
"I was behind them trying to keep them above water and swim with them at the same time, 25 yards out, so it was a lot of swimming. My legs were so tired after. Anything could've been in that water, though. But I wasn't thinking about it," Evans said.
The officer and the three girls were instantly taken to the hospital afterward.
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Moss Point Chief Brandon Ashley told ABC News, "The police department and I commend Mr. Evans's bravery and selflessness he displayed by risking his safety to help people in danger," adding that "If Mr. Evans had not assisted, it could have possibly turned out tragically instead of all occupants rescued safely."
On Tuesday, officials of Moss Point City presented Evans with a certificate of commendation for his heroism in rescuing the four people. They also recognized Mercer for his bravery in the rescue.
One of the girls involved in the accident posted a caption on Facebook expressing her gratitude towards Evans, saying that Evans saved her life before her last breath, so she is thankful for him.
Marquita, Evan's mother, also praised her son on Facebook, saying she's beyond proud of her son for not giving up and saving lives.
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