The Long Beach health department announced plans to distribute 950 cans of powder formula to eligible families starting Tuesday, August 2, after receiving the allotment from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. The decision was made with baby formula still scarce amid a continuing nationwide shortage, according to NBC Los Angeles.
On Friday, Mayor Robert Garcia issued a statement, saying, "We know many Long Beach families have felt the effects of this shortage. We are working hard to get formula into the hands of families and provide some relief to our parents, caregivers and children.''
According to a city statement, the cans will be distributed at four locations: St. Mary's Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) office, 1043 Elm Ave., #401, Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to noon; Ron Arias Health Equity Center, 6335 Myrtle Ave., Thursdays from 1 to 4 p.m.; Silverado Park, 1545 W. 31st St., Fridays from 3 to 5 p.m.; and Main Health Office, 2525 Grand Ave., Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.
Baby formula shortage still ongoing in the U.S.
The formula will be available to families with kids up to nine months old who participate in a federal assistance program and need food. The city health department said each distribution site would carry both Similac Advance Powder Baby Formula and Enfamil Infant Instant Formula Milk-based Powder with Iron.
Distribution is expected to continue this month while supplies last. The baby formula shortage is in its sixth month in the United States due to a combination of COVID-driven supply-chain issues and the closure of one of the country's largest manufacturing plants because of contamination, according to CNN.
Los Angeles County purchased $750,000 worth of baby formula in late May in response to the shortage. County Supervisor Hilda Solis announced the purchase on May 28, saying that she knows many parents and caregivers have been worried and anxious due to the shortage of baby formula, and as the county government, it is their responsibility to be the safety net for their residents and meet the needs of those most vulnerable.
Los Angeles also taking steps to address formula shortage
Los Angeles has also taken steps to address the formula shortage, with the L.A. City Council ratifying Mayor Eric Garcetti's local emergency declaration to prevent local price gouging back in June, according to Spectrum News 1.
The City Council resolution said President Joe Biden, the Federal Trade Commission, and the California Attorney General warned of illegal and predatory conduct, including price gouging in the infant formula market.
The resolution added that the national shortage, while not causing the same scarcity in the city of Los Angeles as in other places across the county, nevertheless poses an imminent threat to the ability of caregivers and parents to obtain infant formula in the city.
Under the Los Angeles city emergency declaration, it is illegal for any person or business to sell baby or toddler formula for more than 10 percent over the price charged before the emergency declaration.