A mom and her daughter became real-life superheroes when they confronted an intruder who suddenly entered their California business.
Carol Garnier was working late in her catering restaurant, Prepped With Love, on the evening of August 8, alongside her 23-year-old daughter, Mary Dao, and her 18-year-old sister.
Staff had already left for the night, and the three women were cleaning and prepping an order of zucchini, pasta, and Italian meatballs. Dao then noticed a man outside who was peering into the restaurant window. He then caused mayhem as he abruptly barged inside the restaurant.
Viral video shows Garnier and Dao confronting the intruder
Garnier told TODAY Parents that they did not realize when their last customer left that the front door did not close and lock all the way. The women said hello to the customer and asked how they could be of help to him. They did so while informing him that the restaurant was already closed, but he did not respond.
The store's security camera managed to capture the man, who held a beer can, walking toward a refrigerator stocked with the restaurant's prepped meals. Garnier's sister can be seen in the video backing away in fear.
That was the time when Dao walked forward. She pulled a long table to the side to form a barrier between the man and them, with the 39-year-old Garnier approaching from behind. When the man opened the refrigerator and reached for a meal, Garnier and Dao decided to shove the table in his direction. That helped them confine the man in a tight spot.
Knowing he was being cornered, the man decided to throw his beer can at Dao, hitting her face. He fled the restaurant as she ran to call 911. As he fled the store, they noticed that he had dropped candy and a drug substance on the floor.
Garnier grateful no one was hurt in the incident
Garnier said that she is a mama bear and she is protective of her daughter and her sister. She added that she was grateful no one was hurt in that attack. A spokesperson for the Westminster Police Department in California said in an interview that the suspect, who is homeless, was arrested.
He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, but the spokesperson clarified that the man's actions in the store did not constitute burglary or trespassing. The charge carries a county jail sentence of six months to one year or a state prison sentence of two to four years in California. The charge can also land him a fine of up to $10,000.
Garnier said that this business is her livelihood, and they are there seven days a week. She added that if anyone tries to steal from her or do her wrong, she will fight back.