Months following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, California lawmakers have passed several bills to support better access to reproductive health. The state is now awaiting the signing of a law that could lower the cost of vasectomies for men and over-the-counter condoms for women.
If California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs Senate Bill 523, the men, especially fathers who do not want to have more kids, will be able to get a vasectomy at no added cost except for the monthly insurance premiums they pay to a private provider. Insurers may no longer be allowed to impose additional deductibles or insist on a cost-sharing arrangement for this sterilization procedure.
According to Fox News, this arrangement will save dads an average of $341 or more, depending on their insurance coverage. The bill, also known as the Contraceptive Equity Act of 2022, makes it easier for women to buy over-the-counter contraceptives, including condoms, just by showing their insurance IDs to pharmacists. They won't have to pay for anything anymore.
Contraceptive Equity Act of 2022: The answer to the abortion ban?
Senator Connie Leyva authored the new legislation to reduce the number of abortions and unwanted pregnancies in the state. The senator believes that if men and women are given a wide variety of access to their reproductive options, they can make a more informed decision about wanting to have kids or adding to their brood.
Families of color, low-income families, and young adults are seen to benefit from this legislation, which will take effect on Jan. 1, 2024, after Newsom attaches his signature. Since vasectomies are under elective procedures, their price can vary between $1,000 to $3,000.
Nathan Songne, 31, wanted to adopt children instead of having biological kids. As an adopted son himself, Songne knows that being a parent doesn't have to be strictly genetics, so he has been exploring vasectomy as his option.
However, he told the Los Angeles Times that he could not afford the procedure at the current rate. He's comforted and relieved, however, to know that Californians would be able to get one soon for at least $200, with no more add-on costs.
As for easier access to birth control products, National Health Law Program lawyer Liz McCaman Taylor said that the old system of insurance reimbursements for condoms, pills, and birth control sponges was no longer the best model for those who are not yet ready to have kids. She said that if people aren't willing to pay out-of-pocket, they will forego getting the necessary contraception.
Reasons why dads must get a vasectomy
Fathers usually won't look forward to surgery on their genitals, but many will eventually get a vasectomy because the risks for this procedure are low. Vasectomy won't hamper men's sexual functioning, and it has been proven to be more effective at preventing pregnancy than condoms or birth control pills, per Men's Health.
Vasectomy can be done within 10 minutes at the doctor's office. The procedure is simple and straightforward, which means recovery is fast and easy. Some men resume strenuous activities within a day or two.
The procedure also unburdens the responsibility of bearing a child on women, especially moms who do not want to risk having a fourth or fifth baby. However, parents should carefully discuss their choices with each other before deciding to get this surgery, as reversing a vasectomy may be a complicated process.
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