Many people consider eating nuts while studying because they believe it makes them more intelligent and makes their brain remember almost every detail of information they are learning, according to News Feed.
Researchers from Loma Linda University (LLU) in the United States revealed that eating nuts can make a person smarter by improving the brain's functions, including memory, learning, and cognition. According to the study, pistachios came on top, which showed it is the best nut in enhancing both the learning and the cognitive processing of the brain so information can be retained longer in the memory.
Eating peanuts also improves sleep quality and fight free radicals in the body as they are high in antioxidants, making them an excellent food against cancer.
Dr. Lee Berk, MPH, associate dean for research at the LLU School of Allied Health Professions, said that nuts are indeed good for the brain and the rest of the body. He hopes that future studies will determine the other contributions of nuts to the brain and the nervous system.
How does eating nuts help you when studying?
Nuts are composed of nutrients that are essential for brain health, including vitamin E and zinc. They are also portable and versatile, making them an excellent choice for study snacks. They have mainly concentrated sources of healthy fat, protein, and fiber, plus they also help to keep a person fueled throughout the study sessions. Some research revealed that snacking on nuts helps improve certain aspects of the function of the brain.
The study examined 64 college students and found that adding walnuts to the diet for approximately eight weeks led to a substantial 11.2 percent improvement in interpreting verbal information compared with a placebo. Another study on 317 children determined that consuming nuts was linked to improved reaction time and performance on brain tests.
In addition, a population-based study that examined 15,467 women showed that eating at least five servings of nuts every week was associated with better overall mental status, Healthline reported.
Experts suggest consuming pistachios, the best nut for boosting brain function and perception and remembering as much information as possible.
Nuts intake strengthens the brainwave frequencies
Nuts are usually composed of healthy fats and oils that brains need to function well, along with the essential vitamins and minerals for the brain. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in nuts, help to improve thinking and memory.
A 2014 study determined that a higher overall nut intake was associated with better brain function.
Dr. Uma Naidoo, a contributor to CNBC Make It, suggests eating 1/4 cup a day as a snack, or it can be added to any salad or vegetable side dish. It can also be paired with homemade granola or trail mix that contains less sugar and salt than those store-bought versions.
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