A private Christian school in North Carolina has offered an apology for baptizing more than 100 middle and high school students without informing their parents.
Northwood Temple Academy in Fayetville had a scheduled baptism for a few students, but Principal Renee McLamb said the other kids joined the sacrament because the ceremony moved them. McLamb insisted that they had no intention of keeping this a secret from the students' moms and dads. The school even posted about the baptism on its official Facebook page.
One mother said she was surprised to receive a call from her daughter, asking her to bring some dry clothes to school. When asked why, the child said she was baptized because it was their Spiritual Emphasis Week.
The school did not expect the turnout
Some parents were upset upon learning of the unconsented baptism and cited that the school breached their parental rights. Other parents were more disappointed than angry because they missed out on a milestone occasion for their kids.
On the other hand, one parent felt that the ceremony undid her child's baptism, which had occurred at their church years before. Another mother said that the school could have taken the children to another room and told them to schedule their baptism for another day so their families could be witnesses.
In hindsight, the principal expressed via The Fayetville Observer that they were mistaken about not contacting the parents. As a mom herself, McLamb said that she understood why some people were upset about missing out on a major event in their child's life.
McLamb emphasized that baptizing the kids without their parents' knowledge was not the norm of the school as they have always partnered with the moms or dads, as well as their chosen pastor or minister. However, she also said they were not expecting that the baptism would gain such an "overwhelming response" from the children.
Liz Ray, the pastor's wife, confirmed that only two kids were scheduled to be baptized, but then the "Holy Spirit stirred the hearts" of the students. They didn't even have towels to dry off the kids after the ritual to validate that they were not prepared, per Daily Mail.
Some parents were pleased
McLamb also said that the families could rejoice because something wonderful had happened to their children, proving that God worked in the lives of the young students. Despite the complaints, other parents were glad that their kids participated in the ceremony.
"So glad to hear that you didn't stop what the Lord was doing in those little one's hearts!" one mother said.
"Praise The Lord and praise a place where children feel safe expressing their love for the Lord!" a dad said in the school's Facebook page comments.
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