Parenting is a challenging task, but it is a beautiful one.
More than raising the future generation firsthand, parenting is beautiful because of the bond and relationship a mother and a father create and share with their children from childhood to adulthood.
However, it is unfortunate that some parents hold back from building closer relationships with their children, especially at a young age. They hold themselves back from making a friendship with their kids, thinking they might lose their authority in the process and that their children will see them as a friend than a parent.
But friendship or a close relationship between parent and children is vital. The stronger and deeper a parent-child relationship is, the better the upbringing and the healthier their positive relationship will be with the people around them. Thus, parents' perspectives need to shift.
Parenting perspective shift
Here are three perspective shifts parents should take to build a closer relationship with their kids, which will also make the "parenting gig" easier and more joyful.
1. Season of childhood is short.
Parents should constantly be reminded that their kids will not remain kids forever. Children are little for a short season. Before parents know it, their children become teenagers, then grown-ups, and relationships will be harder to build then.
Thus, parents should start creating memories as early as possible. Experiences should be prioritized. Be intentional in choosing to be with the kids. Parents should hold their children a little longer and linger with them a little longer.
2. Doing nothing with children leads to the best of something.
Parents should stay in the wonder of their kid's littleness.
"Simplify, simplify, simplify and see where the magic of your child's imagination leads. Revel in the messiness of your days. Surrender to the chaos of (parenthood). Forget about all the doing, the buying, the organizing, the scheduling, the enriching, and focus on simply being with your child," Raised Good suggested and emphasized.
Parents should always prioritize saying yes to their kids as often as possible. In a fast-paced, result-driven society, they should protect their kids' childhood and ensure they have a memorable one.
3. Learn to let go of the need to be right.
A counselor said that a parent could either be right or be in a relationship. Parents won't be able to always have both. Thus, when it comes to children, being kind is better than being right.
It is not that parents get to be permissive or allow kids to do everything they want, but parents should know that they can always do parenting with loving-kindness. They can always meet their children where they are with compassion and connection.
Children are the priority
Children need to know that they are a priority in the lives of their parents. Parents should be aware that their kids can see and feel when their parents are stressed and their attention is not on them. Stop worrying about the small stuff and start creating and enjoying moments with the kids. Again, they grow up so fast. Thus, every single day is special. Take advantage of every precious time together while it is available and while the kids still allow it.
Related Article: How to Nurture Your Parent-Child Bond