As a parent, you are expected to be prepared physically, mentally, and financially. Being a parent of a single child at birth can be exciting and scary at the same time. But, what if you become a parent of multiples?
Kids who are born as part of higher-order births can experience a higher rate of disability particularly if they were born prematurely as per Kids Health and that associated as part of the costs.
Parents are among the most important people in the lives of young children. They sacrifice a lot; by that I mean, getting less sleep as multiple newborns requires repeated feeding and care, especially at night. Aside from that, the costs for multiple babies can be much higher than those with single birth - for diapers, clothes, food, medicine and other important things to be used.
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Coping as parents of multiples
Many times we often hear that being a parent changes everything. Starting from you cannot do the things that you were used to doing before. Parenting is quite challenging.
According to the Centre of Perinatal Excellence, research shows that parents of multiples are at high risk of anxiety, stress, and postnatal depression. They get to encounter more fragmented sleep caused by the feeding and crying of newborn babies. They're having difficulty in breastfeeding as babies are asking together at the same time. In addition, the mother of multiples is also struggling to bond with their partners. They have no time to even talk with their husband. As a result, it appends to the number of misunderstandings or worst divorces.
To avoid that, parents of multiples must talk to their partners regularly and work on communicating effectively. One or another doesn't have to suffer in silence. Parents should work together hand in hand. Also, seek help from other people. Do not compare yourself with other singletons in view of the fact that you guys have a completely different experience.
Multiples developing as individuals
Children who are part of multiples are believed to be dependent on one another. They are born with a deep bond that can be their source of strength. This bond is what makes the multiples (twins, triplets...) unique. But just like any child, multiples must develop a sense of self.
It is essential to know their interest and abilities as an individual. Going to a playground or school is one way of making friends and learning about oneself. According to Twins Trust, Multiples are actually good at cooperating with other children at an earlier age than many singletons. As they were born together with the other multiples, they tend to have an easier adjustment in socializing with other children that they get to meet.
Their relationship with the people who surrounds them such as their parents, caregivers, siblings, and other family members is a big help in growing and learning as an individual. Parents ought to hold three things in mind, - the 'me', 'us', and 'you' - as part of parenting. This will help the children to celebrate and accept the challenges that they might encounter.
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