Pasta Trap: Why Parents Should Not Allow Kids to Only Eat Pasta

Pasta Trap: Why Parents Should Not Allow Kids to Only Eat Pasta
Many kids prefer eating pasta as they find it mouthwatering. However, experts say it must not be consumed often as it is associated with an increased risk of numerous conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Wow Phochiangrak

Parents should not allow their kids to eat only what they want. However, you can make a recommendation on what goes into his meal but at the end of the day, the final decision always lies with the parent. On the other hand, Kaleigh McMordie, RD, a registered dietitian in Lubbock, Texas told The Healthy that kids should not only stick with pasta as it is very important to consume a variety of foods in order to obtain the most nutrients possible.

Although it can give young ones the adequate nutrition and energy they needed, experts believe that pasta must not be consumed almost every day. Also, it can cause organ failure due to amino acid deficiency. Children can sustain horrible diseases due to a lack of Vitamin C, a salient component of many of the body's chemical reactions.

It also contains chemicals such as sodium and Monosodium Glutamate or also known as MSG. It has been determined to lead to brain damage as it is usually coated with wax to make them look more appealing, hence, wax is harmful to kids as it can damage the liver. Pasta is labeled as unhealthy as it is high in carbohydrates.

Associated with an increased risk of heart disease

There are approximately 371 calories per 100 grams of pasta. They also appear high in fat and carbohydrates. While you can sustain some micronutrients from consuming it, it also lacks nutrients such as vitamins A and B12.

Many prefer refined pasta which means that the wheat kernel has been stripped off the germ and has now bran along with many of the nutrients it contains. It is also high in calories and low in fiber. As a result, pasta consumers would have decreased feelings of fullness after eating it; A study entitled Dietary Carbohydrates, Refined Grains, Glycemic Load, and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Chinese Adults studies 117,366 individuals determined that high carb intake specifically from refined grains was associated with an increased risk of heart disease, high blood sugar, and insulin resistance.

Pasta also contains gluten which is a type of protein that is well-tolerated and does not cause any issues. However, for those who have celiac disease, eating food that contains gluten can trigger an immune response that causes damage to the cells of the small intestine. Thus, according to Healthline, such individuals must avoid eating pasta made from wheat to prevent negative symptoms.

How pasta appears to be unhealthy?

The main downside to pasta is it has been linked with numerous conditions entails stroke and type 2 diabetes, especially when consumed in large amounts. One cup of cooked spaghetti has 42 grams of carbs. Eating large portions of pasta frequently could load up one's body with excessive carbs and put the body in danger.

Parents must avoid letting their kids only eat pasta as they may be missing out on key nutrients. Instead of eating such over and over again, parents are suggested to switch it up and ensure kids are still having important nutrients for growth.

A study entitled Refined Grain Consumption and the Metabolic Syndrome in Urban Asian Indians (Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study 57) determined that habitually consuming refined carbs such as pasta can put the body at risk for developing conditions like severe heart disease. Thus, Eat This suggests parents not let kids consume pasta often.

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