Breast milk is usually considered sweet and creamy with a pleasant flavor. However, its taste is developed over time depending on the genetics, culture, and consumed foods that mothers are exposed to throughout their life. Breast milk contains the milk sugar lactose; although lactose is not the sweetest type of sugar, the sweetness is much greater when there is much lactose present.
Lactose is one of the ingredients in breast milk. It shows high concentration, which gives breast milk its sweet flavor. It also contains fat which determines the creaminess. When breast milk first began to flow from the breast, it releases less fat and appears thin and watery. Furthermore, as the milk continues to flow, it gradually becomes higher in fat, making it creamier.
Moreover, breast milk is also made up of the flavors that come from the foods that mothers consume every day, which means if you eat a well-balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, you are introducing your children to healthy foods. As the baby grows and starts eating solid foods, they will accept more foods that moms have already exposed them to through breast milk.
Factors that affect the breast milk
Many factors might affect not only the breast milk but also the child. Some babies won't notice the variations of taste, while many babies won't consume the milk unless it is the taste they want. Moms should understand that there are factors that affect breast milk and they must bear in mind that babies are overly sensitive.
Hormones also affect breast milk as the shifts in the hormone levels in the body from the new pregnancy may influence the taste of the milk. Breastfeeding is safe if you have your period. Breastfeeding is still safe if you also become pregnant as long as the pregnancy is not high-risk. If you want your baby to breastfeed, continuously offer the child the milk through the breast.
Moreover, genes also affect the quantitative production and qualitative content of human milk, specifically maternal genetics, and maternal nutrition status. The sweat you sustain from exercise can also change the breast milk, making it salty. Data published on Very Well Family suggests washing breasts before feeding the baby to remove the salty sweat.
Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby
Breastmilk contains an accurate amount of nutrients. It is gentle on the baby's developing stomach, intestines, and other body systems. It is suggested to breastfeed until the baby is six months old and then breastfeed with solid foods at least 1 to 2 years old. Nutrients present in breast milk are considered greatly absorbed and consumed by the baby compared with formula, as it has sugar and protein.
It also has nutrients that are beneficial for the baby's brain growth and nervous system development. Breastfed infants are found to perform better in intelligence tests when they grow older. Also, babies' eyes work better if they are breastfed.
According to Hopkins Medicine, breastmilk has massive disease-fighting factors and helps to prevent mild to severe infections and hospitalizations.
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