Parents usually can't wait to witness their children dressing up on their own as it's one of the stages of development. They excitedly tell their kids what a great job they did while holding back giggles as soon as they realize that the shirt is upside down and the shoes or slippers have been worn wrongly, per Very Well Family.
However, self-dressing is a process and appears to be integral to the toddler's development. Thus, such a gradual process starts when they are infants, and they pull their adorable and tiny hats off their heads. Over time, children learn how to put their clothes on, zip, and buckle. According to data published on Very Well Family, parents need to understand, on the other hand, that kids are still dependent and developing their own sense of style, which only means that they still need both the guidance and support of their parents.
One of the things you can do to encourage and help your child to dress up on their own is to name the clothes they have taken off and the body parts they go on. Also, let your child choose clothes, as it will help them feel involved during the process.
What is the right age for a toddler to dress up?
Dr. Pierrette Mimi Poinsette, a pediatrician and consultant with Mom Loves Best, says that there is actually no age that a child must be able to dress themselves. Instead, it's a combination of their interests and their skill level. Kids normally start by taking their clothes off rather than dressing themselves. Toddlers may take their clothes off at approximately 12 to 18 months, particularly socks and shoes.
Children would start to dress more independently at the age of three. However, young ones may be encouraged to dress themselves up at an early age. Ananda Montessori, an infant playgroup, added that toddlers might be encouraged to learn to dress up when they observe such in adults as it will serve as steps for the young ones.
Dressing up also allows the child to dream, use their imagination and be extraordinary, as preferred clothes also reflect a child's personality and interests. And promote more independence by allowing them to also practice self-care skills, The Genius of Play says.
How self-dressing is beneficial for kids?
Kids getting dressed can have developmental benefits as choosing clothes allows them to practice planning and sequencing. Moreover, wearing pants, jackets, and socks is helpful for fine motor skills, and permitting your child to choose their own clothes helps them express themselves.
Once the child finally masters the art of obtaining their clothes, they would feel independent. Dressing is a crucial part of self-care as these are the everyday tasks kids learn for them to take part in daily life.
Parents can also encourage kids to dress up by involving certain costumes and putting on different things. You can start by trying a pirate costume or a pair of wings made from an old pair of stockings, per Raising Children.
Related Article : Allowing Children To Decide What Type of Clothes To Wear