California Teen Claims Self-Defense After She Is Accused of Killing Her Mother

California Teen Claims Self-Defense After She Is Accused of Killing Her Mother
Emily Evil Reznick claimed in letters that she wrote from Junevile Hall that she and her boyfriend were acting in self-defense and that her mom Michelle Louise Taylor was trying to kill her on the day she died. 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Emily Evil Reznick claimed in letters from Juvenile Hall that her mom tried to kill her on July 7 and that she and her boyfriend, Nikolai Thorn Roach, just fought back in self-defense.

Authorities who responded to the Oildale home found 54-year-old Michelle Louise Taylor dead with a stab wound to her neck. Both Roach and Reznick were arrested on suspicion of murder, according to the Daily Mail.

Reznick wrote in a letter that month that her own mom tried to kill her and she did all she could to get her off. She added that her boyfriend was there and saved her life that morning.

Reznick wrote about the mixed feelings she had for her dead mom

Reznick wrote about her love for Roach, her plans for a possible career as a nurse, and the boredom of life in custody in dozens of letters that were shared with 17 News. The common theme in the letters that she wrote was the mixed feelings she had for her mom, according to KTLA.

Reznick wrote in a letter dated August 12 that she hates her mom a lot but loved her cause she was her mom. She added that she will never ever forgive her for what she did to her at the end and all the lies she put her through too.

Reznick implied through her writings that both she and Roach were 15 at the time of her mother's killing. That means if convicted, the teen couple can only be held in custody until they turn 25.

Reznick expressed hope in her letters that were written to friend Kenneth Eagles that she and Roach will eventually get married when they are released. She wrote in a letter dated September 3 that she wants to be out as soon as she can. She said that she wants to be free and with Nik. She added that he makes her feel safe, and he is her everything.

Readiness hearings postponed to late November

Reznick said in another letter, dated September 6, that she hates herself a lot for what she did. She added that she cries about being here and she feels alone. Reznick said in the same letter that she did not mean to kill her mom and that was like the last thing she wanted to happen.

Eagles said in an interview that he believes Reznick suffered years of abuse from her mom, both physical and verbal. According to the 70-year-old, he witnessed Reznick having bruises and cuts on her body, including marks around her neck. Eagles made it clear that these marks were not little bruises.

Eagles said that he first met Reznick about four years ago, when the girl was 12 years old. She lived near him in the area of Taft Highway and South H Street. Eagles said he was known in the area as the grandfather type and he knew most of the kids in the neighborhood.

Readiness hearings for Reznick and Roach scheduled on Thursday were postponed to late November, according to KGET.

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