Young Girl Sends Half-Eaten Cookie, Carrots to Police for DNA Test to Find out if Santa Is Real

Young Girl Sends Half-Eaten Cookie, Carrots to Police for DNA Test to Find out if Santa Is Real
A young girl was visited by Santa Claus and his reindeer last Christmas eve, and she got evidence for it, which she had already sent to the police department for a DNA test. Pexel/Andrea Piacquadio

A police department received a letter from a young girl requesting a DNA test on a half-eaten cookie and carrots left during the holidays for Santa Claus.

Authorities in the Cumberland Police Department in Rhode Island are currently investigating whether Santa and his nine reindeer exist after a young girl submitted evidence that Santa visited her on Christmas eve, People reported.

It was the cutest request the police department had ever received for help.

"Dear Cumberland Police Department, I took a sample of a cookie and carrots that I left for Santa and the raindeer on Christmas Eve and was wondering if you could take a sample of DNA and see if Santa is real?" the young girl's handwritten letter read.

(Photo : People)

Police department was so game

And the police officers' response to the little girl's request is heartwarming.

The Cumberland Police Department took to Facebook and posted a press release stating, "Special Investigation into Confirmation of Santa Claus," along with photos of the letter, the pieces of evidence - a half-eaten Oreo cookie and leftover carrots placed inside individual zip locks, a copy of the DNA test request and receipt, and, hilariously, a security camera photo of a deer with antlers, which they say was "uncovered evidence" that Santa indeed came by on the little girl's neighborhood on December 24, 2022.

(Photo: Facebook)

The press release dated January 20, 2023, further stated that Chief Matthew J. Benson, Ed.D., has already instructed the Investigative Division to forward the evidence to the State of Rhode Island's Department of Health-Forensic Sciences Unit for analysis.

Chief Benson was quoted in the press release saying that the young girl had a "keen sense for truth and the investigative process" and did a great job packaging her evidence. The department committed to doing its "very best" to provide her answers.

Facebook community delighted

The Facebook post has been shared over 850 times and has 1,400 likes and 268 comments.

One comment is from Allyson Doumato, presumed to be the mother of the young investigator, who expressed her "giant thank you" to Chief Benson and the team, saying that "her Scarlett" is sure to be thrilled that they are looking into her case.

Facebook people are having a feast on the post, with some sharing delighted comments and compliments on how kind and adorable the police department has responded to the young detective's request.

One woman thanked the police officer for "keeping the magic alive" following her request to make sure they are updated, New York Post reported.

Another said it was the "best thing" they had ever seen and expressed their trust in the authorities, saying they were sure they could get to the bottom of the investigation.

Another commenter thanked Chief Benson for "going above & beyond to keep the magic of Christmas alive," also saying that the world needs more heartwarming stories like this.

The Cumberland Police Department ended its press release with an instruction to stay tuned, and for sure, a lot will be awaiting the results of this special investigation.

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