Mom Goes Viral After Showing Parenting Differences Between Spain and US, Calling America's Way 'More Boring,' 'Isolating'

Mom Goes Viral After Showing Parenting Differences Between Spain and US,  Calling America’s Way As ‘Too Boring,' 'Isolating'
Pexel/cottonbro Studio

A Spanish mother was shocked by how different parenting is in the US as compared to her home country, where she spent the first 18 years of her life.

Ana Gildersleeve goes viral following a video she posted in her Tiktok account, where she discussed the differences of parenting in Spain and the United States, where she has lived for the past ten years.

In her video, which has been viewed more than 2.2 million times, the mom of two heavily touched on the feeling of isolation she felt as a parent in the US. She stressed that American parents usually reduce their "fun time" on the weekend while ensuring that their weekdays are solely dedicated to work and parenting.

"I think being a parent in the US is way more boring and isolating than in Spain.Monday through Friday, most Americans do not socialize with other people. They go straight home after work or, if you're a parent, after your kid's activities. In general, Americans save social events for the weekends. They spend a lot of time in the house," Gildersleeve stated.

US does not have a 'village' for their parents

As compared to Spain, the Spanish mama narrated that parents were out from Mondays through Fridays, even if it is a work day and all the more on Saturdays and Sundays. She further shared that when the children are done with school, parents and kids go to the nearest playground where kids play with other kids and parents socialize with other parents. This is why playgrounds in her home country have attached coffee shops or bars so that parents can have coffee or a glass of wine with one another while watching their children play.

Gildersleeve also experienced having difficulty scheduling playdates in the US. One needs to schedule months in advance with other parents. In Spain, however, one can schedule 20 minutes before meeting time. A quick message asking if another parent would be available can do it immediately.

The 28-year-old mom also emphasized how American parents do not have "a village at all," Buzzfeed reported. As a result, both parents and the kids do not have easy access to their extended family unlike in Spain where the family culture is living close together.

The greatest culture shock, however, is that American parents stop whatever it is they are doing because it is seven in the evening and kids need to be put to bed, even if they are having fun. For the US society, children who are still awake past eight in the evening have "bad" parents. In Spain, children can be brought anywhere as long as strollers are available for children to fall asleep into.

In the US, children's activities are totally independent from adults. Parents in this country organize their lives depending on their kids' schedule. It's the exact opposite in Spain, Gildersleeve proclaimed. The kids live around their parent's schedule.

Adopt Spain's parenting culture

As a parent who is staying in the US for good, she suggests adopting parenting culture from Spain, assured that it will "ease parenthood," according to Yahoo Life.

She is saddened that American parents, who are trying their best to balance time for work, children and themselves, are judged harshly, especially when they bring the kids in public areas. She recalled one incident where an individual commented on one of her videos requesting to not bring her children to adult activities because as a "child-free person," she does not want them. This furthers the isolation, Gildersleeve emphasized.

"(In Spain) if a kid has a tantrum, people don't stare or look at the parents in a mean way. People understand that small kids sometimes have difficulty navigating emotions or that the kid simply does not have the words to express his or her feelings yet. However, I feel like in the US we expect kids to act like adults, but that is just impossible," she expressed.

The viral video garnered a lot of comments from both American parents and those who also tried parenting in Spain. Most declared how "healthy" life and parenting are in Spain.

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