Permissive Parenting: Children as 'Leader in Parenting,' Left's Newest Way to Ruin A Family, Op-Ed States

Permissive Parenting: Children as ‘Leader in Parenting,' Left’s Newest Way to Ruin A Family, Op-Ed States
Suddenly there is this strange and alarming connection between politics and parenting, to which an op-ed stated should be blamed to the leftist as they push the ideology that kids should be ones leading in parenting. Getty Images/JACK GUEZ/AFP

The left is pushing children to make their own decisions and disregard their parents' ruling to put a family unit in disarray, an op-ed states.

Dr. Leonard Sax, a family doctor for almost 34 years and author of the New York Times bestseller "The Collapse of Parenting," recently shared an alarming story about a mom who brought her six-year-old daughter who had a fever and a sore throat into his clinic yet refuses to open her mouth and be checked.

The doctor then asked for the mother's help, to which the latter replied, "Her body, her choice," with an eyebrow arched.

The doctor was shocked as right in front of him was a mom "invoking the 'My body, my choice' slogan of abortion-rights activists" to inform him that she had no plans of doing anything towards her 6-year-old daughter's refusal to let the doctor see her throat.

In an article he wrote entitled "Do Your Political Beliefs Affect Your Parenting?," he expressed that in his years of serving families as a doctor, never did he see a connection between parenting and politics, except in this time and age. He wrote his book eight years ago because he noticed that permissive parenting is becoming a trend.

"As I showed in the book, that trend toward permissiveness wasn't confined to families in my practice: scholars now find that the culture of the United States is increasingly a culture in which "children rule," Sax expressed.

Left 'openly trying to indoctrinate' kids

He further stated that a growing number of parents are on the extreme side of showing love and giving their kids freedom, truly believing that it is "virtuous" to make the children be in charge.

In an op-ed by Karol Markowicz published in Fox News Friday, she described permissive parenting as the "natural progression" or the result of the ideology that kids, instead of being followers, should be "leaders in parenting."

She blames the left for this political dimension that is now seen in parenting, just like how they have forced political facets into corporations, institutions, government agencies, and almost everything for the past years.

"The left is openly trying to indoctrinate children, and there's evidence, like the parent in Dr. Sax's office, that many of the parents have been captured already," Markowicz declared, also stressing that the left is aiming at children right now as obviously seen in the battles over ideology in schools.

Keep politics away from parenting

The op-ed further stressed that the left is quite succeeding in separating the family unit by persuading parents that they do not and should not have control over their children.

"A family in disarray is much easier to control. This isn't a conspiracy theory. It's exactly what totalitarian societies of the past have done so that they gain control of the population. It's not new. It's just happening in America for the first time," Markowicz boldly stated.

She then challenged parents to act like one, reminding them that children have parents because they need guidance and direction. If they surrender their control to their children's whims, other people and influences will take their parents' place.

Resilient children and adults do not grow from parents who can be swayed but from confident parents who know and fight for what's best for their kids, Markowicz concluded, to which Sax strongly agrees, especially that permissive parenting or also called indulgent parenting, is one of the worst parenting styles.

He stated that parents must "keep politics out of their parenting."

Sax emphasized how children need their parents "to provide structure, to set boundaries, and to lay down guardrails that are enforced." Parenting should be independent of politics. Parenting is all about what a child needs to thrive.

And if this kind of parenting is done, then parents would save their children from experiencing worse academic performance and social skills, impulsiveness and aggressiveness, high risk towards delinquency, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, poor self-regulation, and being overweight.

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