Can pregnant women eat oysters? The answer to that question might bring hesitation and confusion to a lot of pregnant mothers and the general public who have pregnant loved ones.
The initial hesitancy might be brought about by the general recommendation of both reputable organizations like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to limit mothers consumption of low-mercury seafood for fetal brain development.
However, oysters are undeniably the favorite of many, and understanding the nuances is crucial.
The safety of incorporating oysters into a pregnancy diet depends immeasurably on various factors, including their preparation-whether raw, smoked, or cooked.
Can Pregnant Women Eat Oysters Raw?
During pregnancy, it is neither safe nor advisable for expecting mothers to consume any type of raw or smoked oyster.
Smoked oysters are also not recommended since they are not in a state where they are thoroughly cooked. The smoking process for fish and shellfish is still not at a temperature where one considers it fully cooked.
Eating raw oysters is tricky, and caution should be given, especially to pregnant women. During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is suppressed, and are especially susceptible to all types of foodborne bacteria and viruses.
Foodborne illnesses and bacteria may possibly contaminate the oysters, and there will be no other way to tell if they are contaminated than by looking at them with the naked eye.
Raw oysters are sometimes contaminated with listeria or Vibrio. These bacteria can cause the diseases listeriosis and vibriosis, which can make a pregnant woman very sick and potentially lead to health problems for the baby, miscarriage, or stillbirth.
Is It Safe To Eat Cooked Oysters?
Cooked oysters are safe to eat for pregnant women. Ryann Kipping, MPH, RDN, and CLEC, author of "The Feel-Good Pregnancy Cookbook" and founder of The Prenatal Nutrition Library, emphasizes their low-mercury content and nutrient-rich nature as beneficial aspects of pregnancy diets.
Cooked oysters, just like any shellfish or seafood, also have their own health benefits that can make them a good choice to eat during pregnancy.
Oysters are rich in nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin B12, iron, and more, which are healthy nutrients that can contribute to the overall health of the mother and the child.
However, the safety of eating oysters only applies if they are thoroughly cooked to completion, not half-cooked, smoked, or raw. Cooking this food destroys the harmful bacteria it potentially has and can therefore be deemed safe after its exposure to high cooking temperatures.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA advocate for consuming fish and shellfish cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees F, aligning with the FDA's designation of oysters as a "best choice" low-mercury seafood, alongside popular options like salmon and pollock.
Safely Eat Oysters During Pregnancy
Oysters contain beneficial nutrients; however, it is important to eat them in a safe way to avoid danger and possibly pregnancy complications for expecting mothers and the babies inside the womb.
When eating oyster, it is important to make sure that it is fully cooked through to avoid food poisoning and to not eat excessive amounts of it since mothers still need to be mindful of the mercury content.
Furthermore, if you need more clarification and information on this matter, it is best to consult a medical professional when making informed decisions about dietary choices during pregnancy.