PlayStation Vita nicely complements PS4 as a remote accessory. With it, gamers can play any PS4 games with the same definition and quality, thanks to its remote play feature. Game developer Batheseda showcased Thursday just how powerful the device is with the "Fallout 4" release.
In a Twitter post, Betheseda presented a photo showing just how its latest game registers with the PS Vita. The game developer presented that while the Vita had fewer buttons compared to an actual PS4 controller, it does present touch input options that were developed by John Hamrick.
#Fallout4 on Vita Remote Play. Great controls thanks to control-freak @Josh_Hamrick, who helped create Destiny's.
— BethesdaGameStudios (@BethesdaStudios) October 14, 2015
According to Kotaku, this news from Bethesda is great for avid gamers as Hamrick's designs have been impressive and unusually good based on what he has done with the release of "Destiny" last year. According to The Verge, Vita owners who have not been playing with their portable device for the longest time will now have valid reasons to install the cables and do a firmware upgrade, just in time for the release of "Fallout 4."
Meanwhile, Betheseda also released a new "Fallout 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L." video that puts focus on Agility. In it, hints and tips were provided and demonstarted so that gamers can learn how to master their Agility skills and survive in tough settings, such as a wasteland. According to Gamespot, Agility is crucial in the gameplay as it can be used for doing sneak attacks and efficient VATS shooting.
Agility is part of a seven-series video that belongs to the game developer's advertising campaign for "Fallout 4," according to Game Rant. The other specials include: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence. The final video, Luck, is expected to be out next week, Game Spot reported.
Watch Agility below:
"Fallout 4" will be available in the market by Nov. 10. It will be released for the PS4, Xbox One and PC and will require 28-35 GB of space on the consoles. A special Pip-Boy edition, which comes with a wearable devices and accessories similar to what is seen in-game, will also be out on the same date, according to Bethesda's store.
According to Gotta Be Mobile, partners of the Bethesda are expected to release pre-load before the release date, which should make fans of the game series excited. However, these have yet to be confirmed by the game developer or Sony and Microsoft.