Top 5 Movies That Teach Kids About Emotions, Feelings

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In a world where emotional intelligence is as crucial as academic achievement, helping children understand and manage their emotions is vital.

Movies can be a powerful tool in this learning process, providing relatable scenarios and characters that make it easier for kids to recognize and talk about their feelings. Here are the five best movies about emotions for kids that can aid in developing their emotional intelligence.

5 Movies That Teach Kids About Emotions

1. Inside Out (2015)

The "Inside Out" movie takes viewers inside the mind of an 11-year-old girl named Riley, where five emotions, Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust, navigate her experiences as she adjusts to a new city and school.

This Pixar classic is a masterclass in emotional literacy, showing children that all emotions have value and that it's okay to feel sad, angry, or scared sometimes.

By personifying these emotions, "Inside Out" makes it easier for kids to understand and articulate their own feelings.


2. Up (2009)

The movie "Up" follows the story of Carl Fredricksen, an elderly man who sets off on an adventure to fulfill a promise to his late wife, with a young boy named Russell inadvertently joining him.

"Up" beautifully depicts themes of loss, love, and healing, which is beneficial for nurturing kids' emotional intelligence. It shows children that grief is a natural part of life and highlights the importance of cherishing memories while still moving forward. Carl's journey helps kids understand that while losing someone is painful, it's possible to find joy and purpose again.


3. The Lion King (1994)

Another movie on the list is "The Lion King," which tells the story of Simba, a young lion who must embrace his destiny as king after the tragic death of his father, Mufasa. This Disney classic teaches children about the circle of life, the impact of loss, and the journey of self-discovery.

It encourages kids to face their fears, take responsibility, and understand that their feelings are part of growing up. Simba's emotional journey helps kids learn resilience and the importance of confronting and accepting their emotions.


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4. Finding Nemo (2003)

The "Finding Nemo" movie follows the adventure of a clownfish named Marlin as he searches for his lost son, Nemo, who has been captured and placed in a fish tank. The movie deals with themes of anxiety, bravery, and trust.

Marlin's overprotective nature and his journey to let go and trust Nemo's abilities resonate with both children and parents. It teaches kids about the balance between fear and independence and emphasizes the importance of trusting oneself and others.

5. Big Hero 6 (2014)

A last movie to consider is the "Big Hero 6." A movie that centers on Hiro, a young robotics prodigy, and his inflatable healthcare companion, Baymax, as they uncover a criminal plot and learn to cope with personal loss. The movie highlights the significance of friendship, dealing with grief, and using one's talents for good.

It addresses how different people cope with loss and the importance of support systems. Hiro's journey through grief and healing teaches kids that it's okay to seek help and lean on friends during tough times.


Movies are more than just entertainment; they can be profound teaching tools that help children navigate their emotions and develop emotional intelligence.

These five movies offer valuable lessons about understanding and expressing feelings, making them perfect for family movie nights. By watching and discussing these films with your children, you can help them build a strong foundation of emotional literacy that will benefit them throughout their lives.

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