Tirzepatide Found in Zepbound and Mounjaro Reduces the Severity of Sleep Apnea; Study Reveals

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Current research recommends that tirzepatide, a popular drug used for obesity, may also be efficient in treating a severe condition where individuals contend to breathe while sleeping.

Study Reveals that Tirzepatide Reduces the Severity of Sleep Apnea

The study signifies that tirzepatide, found in the weight loss drug Zepbound and the diabetes medication Mounjaro, not only aids patients lose weight and improves blood pressure but also lessens the seriousness of sleep apnea.

This disorder involves interruptions in breathing during sleep, influencing millions of Americans and potentially resulting in severe health issues like heart disease and dementia.

The manufacturer of tirzepatide, Eli Lilly and Co., funded the research and has requested FDA authorization to broaden the drug's use to treat moderate to serious sleep apnea.

However, an expert warned that further study is needed to identify if tirzepatide can be used as a standalone medication for obstructive sleep apnea, which involves throat tissue relaxing and blocking the airway during sleep.

The study, involving nearly 500 obese patients with sleep apnea, compared tirzepatide injections with a standard CPAP machine treatment.

Results showed significant reductions in episodes of breathing pauses during sleep among patients using tirzepatide, along with substantial weight loss and improvements in blood pressure and oxygen levels during sleep.

Read Also: WHO, Eli Lilly and Co. Warns Public About Counterfeit Weight-Loss and Diabetes Medications

Lead author Dr. Atul Malhotra described tirzepatide as a promising treatment option for sleep apnea, emphasizing its effectiveness compared to current therapies.

However, Dr. Sanjay Patel cautioned in an editorial that practical use and broader patient outcomes with tirzepatide remain uncertain, considering measurement challenges and potential disparities in access and cost.

Dr. Paul Peppard, a sleep medicine researcher not involved in the study, highlighted the ongoing challenge of weight loss in managing sleep apnea and suggested that medications like tirzepatide could serve as valuable tools in addressing its health consequences.

Overall, while tirzepatide shows promise in alleviating sleep apnea symptoms, ongoing research, and practical considerations are essential before widespread adoption as a treatment option.

Zepbound Use in Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Zepbound, a widely-used weight loss drug, has shown potential in alleviating obstructive sleep apnea, according to Eli Lilly. Based on trials demonstrating its efficiency in people in this situation, the company plans to submit data to the FDA for possible authorization of Zepbound's use in treating obstructive sleep apnea.

This disorder causes brief interruptions in breathing during sleep, disrupting rest and raising the danger of severe health issues such as heart disease and stroke. While commonly linked with weight gain and obesity, the former study signifies that weight loss can enhance sleep apnea manifestations.

Zepbound contains tirzepatide, originally authorized as Mounjaro for type 2 diabetes medication in 2022. Preliminary results from studies issued by Eli Lilly on Wednesday signify important improvement in sleep apnea among obese adults treated with the drug, compared to those not getting it.

The trials involved over 400 participants and showed promising outcomes, including weight loss and reduced sleep apnea events, particularly among those unable or unwilling to use standard positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy.

Related Article: Eli Lilly's Zepbound Offers Hope for Sleep Apnea Patients

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