Pope Francis News: Vatican Denies Pontiff Has Brain Tumor, Calls Report 'Completely Unjustified'

Pope Francis, the leader of the widespread Catholic faith, has been reported by an Italian news group to have a brain tumor on his head.

The newspaper that made the claim, Quotidiano Nazionale, or National Daily, said that there is a “small dark spot” on the head of the pontiff, found by a Japanese neurosurgeon who works at a clinic near Pisa.

The report said that the neurosurgeon, accompanied by a medical team, flew into the Vatican via a helicopter to examine the pope. It was reported that he said that the tumor was treatable without the need for surgery.

According to the National Daily, the report came from the account of a nurse who saw medical notes referring to a Jorge Mario Bergoglio—the pope's real name.

The Agence-France Press reports via Yahoo News that according to Vatican spokesperson Rev. Federico Lombardi, he had checked with the pope himself, and said that the report had no foundation.

"I can confirm that no Japanese doctor came to the Vatican to see the pope and there were no examinations of the type indicated in the article," Lombardi told journalists in a Vatican press briefing.

He added that the report was "an irresponsible act that was completely unjustified and unspeakable."

"If you had to run after him during his overseas trips, you'd know (that he's perfectly fine)," said Lombardi. "He does have some problems with his legs but the head seems to me to be working absolutely perfectly."

According to the AFP, Fukushima wrote in his blog that he did meet with Francis, but it was in October 2014, and not for medical reasons.

According to the Associated Press, Fukushima said, through a statement issued by Duke University in North Carolina, that he has never examined the pope.

“These stories are completely false," the brain cancer expert said.

Andrea Cangini, editor for the National Daily, said that he stood by the report. He told the AP that prior to releasing the story, months of cross-checking was done to verify the information's credibility.

"We don't have the slightest doubt that it is founded," Cangini said as per AFP.

This news comes at a crucial time for the pontiff, who has a hotly contested synod on the family, which is currently ongoing.

The Rev. Antonio Spadaro, a close friend of the pope, said that the report might be a personal attack.

"Now they don't know what else to say ... After all the lies they're now inventing illnesses! A good sign..."

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