Boy or Girl? Predict Your Baby's Gender With Old Wives' Tales

Nothing is more accurate than an ultrasound or a sonogram for predicting the baby's gender. However, Live Science said that does not happen until the pregnancy is at 18 to 22 weeks. But for fun, excited parents may get a clue as to the baby's gender with the help of a few old wives' tips.

Dry Skin and Hair Growth

You could be having a boy if your skin is drier than usual and you're experiencing hair growth on your legs at a faster rate. Independent informed this is often attributed to hormonal changes as body produces more the male hormone called testosterone.

Low Vs. High Baby Belly

If your belly appears low, it's likely you're carrying a baby boy. If it's higher, it's likely you're having a baby girl. Family Education reported that when the belly appears to be carrying the bulk of the baby in the front, then prepare for blue baby items. If the mom's baby belly spreads horizontally, then the family is in for a lot of pink.

Heart Beat

Baby girls apparently have faster heart rate, going at more than 140 beats per minute. For boys, it's lower than 140 bpm. The normal baby heart rate regardless of gender is between 120-160 bpm and this changes as the baby grows inside the mother's womb, Huggies Australia shared.

Morning Sickness

Experiencing morning sickness is said to be worse with a baby girl than a boy. "Several large investigations have found that women afflicted with severe morning sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum, in the first trimester are more likely to be carrying a female fetus," wrote author Annie Murphy Paul in the book "Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives," via New York Times.

Food Cravings

In the same book, Paul pointed out that baby boy pregnancies can lead to more food cravings. "Women who were pregnant with boys consumed about 10 percent more calories than those who were pregnant with girls: more protein, more carbohydrates and more fats, adding up to about 200 extra calories a day."

On the other hand, moms who prefer eating sweets and juices might be having a precious baby girl, while those who like meat, cheese, sour or salty food might be having a boy. If your husband is also developing pregnancy cravings, then prepare for the coming of daddy's little girl, per Family Education.

Wedding Ring Test

Tie the ring on a string and let it hover and swing over the belly. If it's swinging back and forth, the baby is a boy. If it goes in circle, then it's a girl. Watch the video below:

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