5 Tips To Bully Proof Your Kids

One of the challenges that some of us goes through is bullying. Bullying is everywhere, in schools, workplace, or even at home. If you have children protect them from this sort of unwanted behaviors.

According to StopBullying.gov, bullying is "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance." The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated. Bullying includes spreading rumors, making threats, not entertaining someone in a group on purpose or attacking someone physically or verbally.

Bullying is among the primary concern involving children. The subject made headlines in the national news and the good thing about it, schools and communities are taking a strong stand against it. However, you should also take your part. Here are some of the things you can do to keep your children from being bullied per KidsHealth.

1. Discuss it with your children - Bullying is a common issue but people rarely talk about it. In fact, 25% of public schools reported that bullying among kids happens on a daily or weekly basis. If you have a child who was being bullied praise him for his bravery for talking about it because most children keep mum about it and choose to live in the same routine. You can then talk to the school administration and find out what they would do to address the issue.

2. Keep them free from bait - If the bully is after your child's money or gadget, then neutralize the situation by removing the bait. Instead of giving him money, pack a lunch or let your child go to school without his gadget.

3. Encourage your child to keep a constant companion - Most students who are bullied are those who were on their own. Advise your child to have a buddy wherever he goes, to keep him from the eyes of the bullies.

4. Keep your peace and ignore - When a bully strikes your child, advised him to keep his peace and just ignore the hurtful comments. He can tell the bully to stop and just simply walk away. Bullies thrive to hurt others but if their victim remains calm and unaffected they lose their power over him.

5. Don't fight the battle alone - Once you know your child is bullied, you can talk to the bully's parents for a constructive discussion. It is best to do it with a school official or counselor to mediate, in case you end up in a heated argument.

Help stop bullying by protecting your child from bullies. Keep your children informed on what bullying is and what they can do in case they encounter a bully.

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