'Final Fantasy 15' Release Date & Trailer: Gameplay Has 'Gambit' Combat, Magic Upgrades, DLC summons -- What You Need To Know [Rumors]

Square Enix has yet to announce an official release date of one of the most anticipated games, "Final Fantasy XV." However, fans got a treat when people behind the development of the game took to game forums to answer commonly asked questions that fans have, Yibada reported.

As seen in a news post from RPGFan, Lead Game Designer Prasertvithyakarn Prasert revealed that "Final Fantasy XV" could possibly feature a new gameplay system which allows players to choose their combat style within the game.

"We have created a system for FFXV where the player can decide the battle style that they and their comrades use, although this takes a different form to the gambits in FFXII. This will be revealed at some point in the future so look out for further information," Prasert said.

Yibada also gathered that combat planner and game designer Yuji Kenichiro said that there will be other ways in which players can fight with large monsters when "Final Fantasy XV" returns.

Fans even questioned if it's possible for players to ride atop the back of a monster, a game mechanic that was featured in the E3 trailer in 2013, Christian Today noted. While Kenichiro did not make a confirmative statement, he did explain that there's a specific mechanic that allows players to attack a body part on a monster and, therefore, weaken it.

The reports on the combat gameplay are not the only updates that the game will receive. International Business Times also mentioned that, instead of an automatic weapon switching, "Final Fantasy XV" will feature manual switching.

This will give way for improved game controls and more effective combos. It was also revealed that black outfits for lead characters serve as more than just identification since it also plays a part in the battle.

Yibada also gathered that Game Director Hajime Tabata gave away hints about magic. According to Tabata, Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus will possess rings that give them the ability to cast different magic powers such as Ice and Fire. Noctis, on the other hand, being a member of Lucis family will naturally possess magic powers.

The DLC for the game reportedly added summons as well. The news portal stated that Tabata said Gilgamesh will be one of the summoned creatures.

So far, only Ramuh the lightning god and Titan were revealed to be summons, GameSpot noted. The tech news portal also put together a list of summons that will hopefully be included in the upcoming game.

"Final Fantasy XV's" release date still has to be confirmed, but the game should arrive sometime in 2016. It will make its debut on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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