‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Monopoly Board Game Controversy: 8-Year-Old Girl Upset For Excluding Female Character

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" 8-year-old fan Annie Rose became seriously upset when she found out that her favorite character and the most vital character from the box office hit movie - the heroine Rey - was excluded from Hasbro's new 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Monopoly board game. She wrote a letter to Hasbro complaining about the exclusion of the popular female character.

Annie's complaint letter to Hasbro was posted in her mother's twitter account and it has become viral, "How could you leave out Rey!? She belongs in Star Wars monopoly and all the other Star Wars games," the girl continued. "! Without her, THERE IS NO FORCE AWAKENS! It awakens in her! Without her, the bad guys would have won!"

The young girl also mentioned issues about gender equality in her letter, "Besides, boys and girls need to see women can be as strong as men! Girls Matter," she tells the toy company. "Boy or girl, who cares? We are equal, all of us!"

Carrie Goldman, the girl's mother and author of "Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear", talks with Yahoo Parenting about her daughter and her letter for the company, "Annie Rose is a letter writer. She has a real passion for the issue of equality, so that last line is classic Annie Rose."

Hasbro explained the exclusion of the character from the board game through the company's Twitter account saying that "The Star Wars: Monopoly game was released in September, months before the movie's release, and Rey was not included to avoid revealing a key plot line that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance."

Hasbro also posted a response to the girl's complaint letter, "We love your passion for Rey, and are happy to share that we will be including [Rey] in the Monopoly: Star Wars game, available later this year."

Goldman tells Yahoo Parenting about her daughter's reaction to Hasbro's response on the 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Monopoly board game issue, "She was very excited about the change," says the mother. "This morning she said to me, 'Mommy, this shows that one little kid who nobody knows can make a difference.'"

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