The Biggest Weight Loss Myths You Need To Know About: Learn How To Successfully Lose Weight This 2016

Losing weight is an important factor in keeping the human body fit, healthy, strong and free from diseases. Unfortunately, there are many weight loss myths that hinder people from achieving the ideal weight and the body figure or built they truly desire.

The Daily Mail recently shared the biggest weight loss myths that people need to know about in order to get a fitter and slimmer body. One of those weight loss myths is the line of thinking that physical exercise is the best way to lose weight. "The best way to lose weight is through combining a nutritious, low-calorie diet with regular physical activity," the report says.

The next weight loss myth is the wrong belief that inactive people who are not overweight are really fit and healthy. The report points out that people who are physically inactive are at risk of acquiring cardiac disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and mental illness such as anxiety and depression -- despite having such healthy weight.

Another weight loss myth that people needs to know is the "no pain, no gain" mantra for losing weight. "A study of weight loss in groups with higher intensity and lower volumes of activity compared to groups of lower intensity and higher volumes of activity did not find significant differences," the Daily Mail reveals.

More so, the last, but definitely not the least, weight loss myth is about resistance training. Many fitness enthusiasts feel that resistance training or weightlifting is the only way to lose weight. However, the recent report claims that there is another kind of training that is more effective in losing weight compared to resistance training. "In fact, a recent study demonstrated that endurance training was more effective in producing weight loss compared to resistance training."

According to WebMd, losing weight prevents heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. Knowing the difference between the weight loss myths and the facts will go a long way into helping people succeed in their journey to lose excess pounds.

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