3 Tips To Save Your Struggling Relationship When Babies Arrive

Baby's arrival often turns couple's romantic dates and intimate moments together into changing diapers and sleepless nights. The once so relaxed relationship will eventually have some exhausting moments when parenthood marks its first day. Regrettably to say, some new parents were so overwhelmed with the experience that they even lost the spark for each other and just separate on the latter years.

Nevertheless, parents who are struggling can still save their relationship, according to the researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Here are some of their tips to save the couples' relationship.

Always Keep the Intimacy Going

Malin Hansson, a doctoral student at the Sahlgrenska Academy, said the study found out that "sensuality and sexuality" of the couples involved in the research were at the "lowest level" when their children were at the age of 4. Hence, the expert said that the couple should maintain their sensual affection for each other. They should always see to it that they shower each other with hugs and kisses to keep the flame going.

Maintain Good Communication

Wendy Walsh, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and author of "The 30-Day Love Detox" said that the findings of the study regarded such lack of communication as one of the contributing factors of separation. She said that couples normally face "temporary downturn" which can be generally fixed right away with a clear communication.

For one, instead of saying "You never help me!" say, "I'd appreciate it if we cleared the table together before we sit down in front of the TV." She further said that couple shouldn't ignore the power of communication, especially on the hard times as it could "break or fix" the relationship.

Always Make Time for Each Other

The study found out that couples usually take separate ways due to the feeling of less satisfaction when their child's age was at six months old. The respondents felt their partners don't spend much time with them and they felt alone. Having that said, experts reiterated that couple should spend more quality time together -- not just a pair but also as a family.

Misunderstanding and trouble normally pop-up within the relationship, but don't give up! Pay attention to the problem and talk with your partner to sustain a good relationship, instead.

Don't worry. You can always save your relationship and strengthen family ties -- when all you need is to maintain communication lines open at all times.

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