Protect Your Favorite Pets From These 12 Common Yet Toxic House Plants

Since most households have pets, it is also high time to pet-proof your homes -- keeping your companion animals safe at all times. Most pet owners did not know about some common houseplants that produce toxic reactions. And ingestion or much exposure from any of these can cause harmful effects in pets such as cats and dogs -- resulting from mild nausea to death.

According to the report of, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals receives about 150,000 calls annually from pet owners informing them about the accidental poisonings of their pets and asking for help. And surprisingly, findings showed that about a quarter of the number of all pets is poisoned by plants.

It is recommendable that pet owners protect their pets from these poisonous plants by buying plants that do not have toxic substances. The UC Davis School of Veterinary's Medicines listed the following toxic plants that can poison your favorite pets:

1. Castor Bean

According to Guinness World Records, Castor Bean is the most poisonous plant in the world. It has a substance called ricin which can cause death among cats and dogs.

2. Caladium (Araceae)

The second most common plant that can poison your pets is the Caladium. Chewing or biting into plant material releases the crystals which penetrate tissue resulting in injury.

3. Lilies

The Human Society of the United States reported that cats are poisoned by any part of lilies. The eating of the parts of this plant may lead from kidney failure to death.

4. Dumbcane

Dumbcane contains proteolytic enzymes and insoluble calcium that may cause swelling and block the airways of humans and pets. The sap of this plant may cause damage to the cornea, too.

5. Rosary Pea

The Rosary Pea has seeds that cause death. It is reported in March 2012 that the beads from the Rosary Pea used as bracelets were poisonous.

6. Larkspur

This plant has 300 types and they are also used to produce inks and blue dyes. As they mature, they become less toxic.

7. Foxglove

The leaves of the Foxglove are toxic to humans and animals. Two grams of the leaf can kill.

8. Autumn Crocus

This plant has a substance called colchicine which is toxic for both cats and dogs. On the other hand, it is used as medications for people who are diagnosed with gout.

9. Sago Palm

The seeds of this ornamental tree are dangerous. The ingestion of the Sago Palm has a fatality rate of 50 percent to 75 percent.

10. Black Locust

The bark of the Black Locust is the most dangerous part for humans and animals.

11. Yew

The branches and the sticks of Yew are the ones that are toxic. Pet dogs and cats might play with the branches and sticks. They might consume them and eventually get poisoned. However, the berries of the Yew are not poisonous.

12. Oleander

This ornamental shrub is poisonous and can even kill a cow with intake of 10 to 20 leaves.

Watch the video below to know other garden plants that can toxicate your pets.

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