Eating with kids can be a handful from the constant mess, non-stop whining and tense negotiations for that "one more bite". Feeding your kids whether at home or in a restaurant involves a huge challenge. No matter how much parents explain that food is where we get our nutrients, the nagging seems to fall on deaf ears.
However, kids still do the funniest things, which is why mealtime can turn out to be amusing. While it may not always be fun, it can still be a lot funny. Here are some of the most hilarious parenting tweets about eating with kids.
1. Putting another human's half-eaten food in your mouth used to be unspeakable. Now, disgusting is a word you encounter on a daily basis. You wouldn't want to waste a cookie, would you?
I just ate some half-chewed food my son spit onto his plate. Parenting has reduced me to some kind of disgusting bird-man. DON'T LOOK AT ME!
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) December 17, 2015
2. Vegetables can cause the hurting of the mouth. Luckily, ice cream can cure anything.
Her: Eat your dinner. 5: My mouth hurts. Her: It didn't hurt when we went for ice cream. 5: Yah, but I wanted that.
— Meh, He Said (@TheAlexNevil) April 10, 2015
3. One point for honesty and another point of creativity. Whoever would have thought to describe roasted broccoli in such an ingenious way.
Roasted broccoli for dinner tonight, and the rave reviews are in. "What is this? It tastes like hair," said one ungrateful child.
— Amy Dillon (@amydillon) July 15, 2015
4. Kids are known to be the boldest human beings. While parents prepare some of the most wholesome, healthy and delicious meals, nothing can prepare them for the total rejection caused by the tiniest member of the family.
Wish I was as brave as my kid who just ate zero bites of her dinner and then asked my wife for a snack 6 minutes after the table was clear.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) September 15, 2015
5. Taking kids to restaurants is like reliving the painful part of childbirth. Although you swear to never do it again, you find yourself taking your kids out dinner yet again when you're too lazy to cook.
Great Idea: Don't cook. Take your kids out to dinner. [2 hours later] WORST IDEA EVER: Don't cook. Take your kids out to dinner.
— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal) December 1, 2015
6. Sometimes, it's extremely hard to explain certain things to your kids like why the earth is round or why brushing your teeth is essential. But having to explain what meatballs are not entirely made of meat may be the hardest.
[At dinner] Daughter: Daddy, how much of this meatball is meat? Me: Probably like 90% D: So it's 10% balls? Me: *spits out food*
— Tim (@Playing_Dad) January 3, 2016
7. Feeding one kid is a mouthful. Feeding two kids is learning to cook what you want and hopefully get away with it.
Me: Let's eat chicken nuggets. [one kid cries] Me: How about pizza? [other kid cries] Me: Spaghetti? [both kids cry] We have a winner.
— Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) January 14, 2016
8. Sometimes, parents forget they're grown adults. At times, they can feel like they're their kids' personal slaves.
I cut the crust off my daughter's PB&J and I swear to god I heard her whisper that I'm her bitch now.
— The Glad Stork (@TheGladStork) December 29, 2015
9. Kids can make up for the trouble they cause in the sweetest and most adorable ways. But when it involves any kitchen equipment for that matter, moms and dads would rather be doing it themselves.
[5:45 AM, in a harsh whisper] Daddy, don't worry, you can sleep. I'm making my own breakfast, how do you turn on the oven? Me: I'm up.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) November 21, 2015
10. You'll never feel more successful in parenting than when you are scraping the burnt parts of your kid's sandwich in the oven.
"It's gonna be a great day!" I try to convince myself as I desperately scrape the burnt parts off my kid's grilled cheese.
— KidsAreDorks (@KidsAreDorks) January 19, 2016